On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 15:35, Joan Tur wrote:
> Well there's something that's going to happen: the memory the kernel uses is 
> lower if you compile it with only the options you're going to need.  2 
> examples:
> 1. Laptop, 224MB RAM, from 101 to 80MB (MDK 9.1): 21MB memory saved.
> 2. Server, 72MB RAM: from 65,9MB to 57,4MB (MDK 9): 8,5MB memory saved.
> Amounts have been checked after booting, using a console, using top command...

I'm not sure that I'm reading your numbers correctly. Is 224M your total
RAM on the laptop (I'm assuming a 256M machine with 32M allocated for
video)? Is it possible that you're reading file/buffer allocated memory
as free/not free? 

What does the following command report on both new/old kernels?

   dmesg|grep ^Memory

This should report a kernel code number that, even in the most fully
loaded kernels, shouldn't be greater than a couple Meg or so.

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