On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 06:59, Vincent Danen wrote:
> On Thu Jun 19, 2003 at 08:14:23AM -0400, Greg Meyer wrote:
> > > On the other hand, using MandrakeUpdate is safe.  It will upgrade
> > > kernel-sources and that's it.  =)
> > 
> > Speaking of the kernel update, it looks like there may be abug in the post 
> > install scripts.  My understanding is that the update is supposed to update 
> > the links in the boot directory, and then set up a lilo entry to boot the old 
> > kernel.  The links are correctly updated to point at the new kernel files, 
> > but the new lilo entry that is set up does not point to the old kernel, it 
> > points tot he new kernel too.  This is bad, because if the install gets hosed 
> > for whatever reason, I can't boot into the old kernel.
> That's not a bug, that's a "feature" according to the kernel team.  =(
> It has always done this... this is nothing new.  It's been doing this since
> the 8.x days if not earlier.
> I tried to get them to fix it but their feelings were it was doing things
> properly and didn't need to be fixed.
> IOW, make that old entry yourself.  Please.
> http://www.mandrakesecure.net/en/docs/magic.php
> That explains all about it.

That's an interesting way of responding to a bug!  Look at the obviously
incorrect behavior and just call it correct.  Are you sure these guys
don't work at the Whitehouse? ;-)

You're right though Vincent - it's been doing it over a number of
releases.  You'll find a few posts from me in the archives on it.


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