On September 1993 plus 3599 days Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 02:38, Vox wrote:
>> On September 1993 plus 3598 days [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> > Hello All,
>> >
>> > After playing with Ksensors tonight I'm now wondering what the threshold 
>> > temperatures for the CPU and Mother board should be.
>> >
>> > I have an AMD XP2000+ CPU which is currently running at 60
>> > degrees C while the Mother Board temperature is 24 degrees C. I
>> > remember that these temperatures were quite a bit higher during
>> > Summer.
>>   Those are more or less the temps I see here on the same
>>   CPU...since it hasn't let the blue smoke come out, I guess it's
>>   about right :)
>>   Vox
> Vox,
> 60C is a little too hot.  That's 140 deg F.  You should be getting
> better temps than that.  You might be shortening the life of your
> CPU.

  Mmmm...depends on several factors...one is the ambient temp...which
  is hot like hell here in Monterrey, specially in places without AC,
  like my house...the real strange thing is that CPU load during
  summer doesn't vary the CPU temp more than a couple of C
  degrees...yesterday, with about 6% of CPU in use (X, Enlightenment,
  2 emacs, xchat, gaim, licq, a few Eterms...normal stuff) it was at
  55C...today, with 95% of CPU in use for the last 8 or 9 hours, the
  temp is 57C...this box has behaved like that since january when I
  got it :)

> The stock fan that comes with the Athlon is not the best deal in the
> world.  The real deal is a Vantec Areoflow VA4-C7040.  That's a
> fantastic piece of engineering, and it doesn't cost an arm and a
> leg.

  I use a Volcano 6, IIRC (I didn't build this thing, a friend did...I
  don't open computers...HW sucks :) And I think it's doing a very
  good job, considering the fact that the room I'm in is at 42C at the
  moment :)

> To see what is happening, download Prime95 (mprime2212.tar.gz) from
> http://www.mersenne.org/freesoft.htm

  I'll check that out, thanks for the suggestion...as I said, HW is
  not my stuff...one of my other geek friends deals with my HW, I deal
  with his SW :)

  Thanks for the bunch of tips...I'll do the SW side checks and I'll
  pass the HW stuff to my friend...thanks bunches :)


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