On Tuesday 12 August 2003 10:11 pm, Joćo Candido A. Milasch Filho wrote:
> Hi! I sent this message b4 to newbie list, but I got absolute no answer.
> I hope someone can help me here...
> Thus, I tried to run telnetd from xinetd, no success, tried to configure
> the listening ports to the standard ports, and got no success.
> Shorewall is not installed, iptables is empty, netstat shows listening
> entries corresponding to the service I tried to run, but i can connect only
> from my local machine. no friends could connect to my computer.
> Thanx all!!!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hello all, me again!
> As I sent before, I'm trying to use SSH server in home, to access on my
> work. But as I said b4, my work firewall is blocking almost all outgoing
> ports. So, i have to use SSH on the port 80. I successfully ran the daemon
> on the port 80. To see that, I just netstat -pln, and saw an entry like
> this:
> LOCAL                         FOREIGN
>                               sshd blah blah
> Whel, with that, I knew it was listening correctly on the port 80. So to
> try it out, I tried from the same machine I was running sshd to use ssh. So
> I did:
> $ ssh -l my_user_name -p 80
> It worked fine. Then I asked a friend to connect on my ssh server, and
> told'im to do:
> $ ssh -l usr_name -p 80 (where was my
> internet IP address on that time). But he couldn't connect.
> My firewall was disabled, I cleared out my lname (or something like that)
> but my friend was still unable to connect on my ssh server.
> Anyone knows what can I do to figure out whats happening?
Is your isp blocking inbound traffic on port 80 to prevent web servers from 
running on the network?  That would be a cruel catch 22 if it is true.  Work 
only allows outbound on port 80, while home allows all inbound but port 80.

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