*** Guy Van Sanden Fri, 12 Sep 2003 10:40:04 +0200 :

> OK, it doesn't sound that bad in the beginning, but this is a
> dangerous trend.
> Like displaying ads while installing, OK, but will this mean that
> usefull messages get less screenspace (ETA, actions, ...)

No. As much as I heard it will only go as far as it goes right now with
those nice images during installation. It will just be that instead of
the Mandrake images we will see ads of related products. 
And you can always avoid annoying ads by doing a text install.

> I'm also very cautious of big business getting a hold on Linux, this
> means it will get ruined and changed by marketing, like most good
> things.

Yes, that's always a peril for Good Things(TM). But I don't think that
Mandrake would carry it as far as Red Hat or SuSE. If they wanted to
sell their souls to BIG B. they could have done that before they filed
for #11.

> Just my thoughts, but if this goes any further, I'm going
> Gentoo/Debian or FreeBSD.

Or do a text install :)
"... and anyway, html can't carry a virus." (Aug 2001, Usenet)
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