On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 23:49, James wrote:
> David wrote:
> :It is usually caused by a misconfiguration in the Directory section for
> :DocumentRoot.
> Here is my setting for the devault which is now a virtual server:
> <VirtualHost>
> DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/vivid-eye/public_html"
> ServerName www.vivid-eye.com
> </VirtualHost>

I am assumming that you hava a global document root of: 

DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"

somewhere? And then there are the global permisions to deal with
indexes, cgi access etc etc.

> I've trimmed it down to that because it wasn't working with all the other
> extras, but now it is.  The subdirectory I am trying to view is
> /var/www/html/vivid-eye/public_html/james but I get the 403.
> :The quick workaround would be to define a Directory
> :section for the directory james whithin either a virtual hosts container
> :or the global section of the config file.
> Where would I define a new directory for  /james?  Do I create a new
> <VirtualHost> setup for that all on its own?  Or do I just add <Directory>
> within the vivid-eye <VirtualHost> section?

Within the original vhost if required, but it al depends if the
permission in the global config restrict the permissions in the vhost.

Apache reads permission from the global root, if you have a restriction
in global root and then release it lower down the directory
structure..it will not play, unless you have allowoveride in the global


> Thanks
> james franssen
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