On Sat, 2003-10-11 at 18:16, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> And yes, I thought about sending them a nastygram, but that was not in the 
> list of options. (Remember when every website had a Contact Webmaster link?) 
> Then too, would anyone who considers Netscape 4.0 and IE 4.0 to be the latest 
> and greatest understand my complaint? The idiot must still think it's 1997.

entirely too many of these etiquette-less morons about trying to run
websites these days. I've had a long drawn-out experience with a
long-distance company whose MS-SQL server was always down when I tried
to pay my bill. Consequently, they didn't get their bill paid until they
got around to fixing it, which took three months because they didn't
know it had broken. I and any number of others could have told them, if
they hadn't disabled all the standard *master@ addresses. They now have
prominent "Contact Us" links all over the place :-P

I imagine, given the three month time frame, that no one had any idea
there was a problem until some automated system attempted to hand two
thirds of the membership over to collections.
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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