Jack Coates wrote:
On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 06:48, Praedor Atrebates wrote:

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A little checking and I see that my credit union isn't what I would call linux-unfriendly, just konqueror unfriendly. The login system using java or javascript (*.jsp...is that java or javascript?). One error message I

Java server pages, served from a Java application platform (Tomcat in
this case). Try looking at the source of the pages that give you trouble
though, there might be JavaScript embedded or referenced which could
include browser detection code.

received when trying to bypass their filters for Netscape or IE indicated that they are using Apache Tomcat, hence they are not a doze shop (good for them). At this point, I either assume that konqueror is STILL broken with regards to javascript (KDE 3.1.3) or they are simply specifically looking for either mozilla or IE and if detecting neither, produce the download page for either.

I tried to reset my password/user ID on the site using konqueror and got this:
- -------------------
Apache Tomcat/4.0.6 - HTTP Status 404 - /portal/jsp/portal.jsp

description The requested resource (/portal/jsp/portal.jsp) is not available.
- -------------------


On Sunday 12 October 2003 02:44 am, James Sparenberg wrote:

On Sat, 2003-10-11 at 15:08, Eric Huff wrote:

I am DETERMINED to get past their nonsense and access my account
information USING KONQUEROR DAMNIT!  So there.  It does still
happen, this nonsense, and spoofing a browser doesn't always


oops forgot an example page


This works fine with firebird.

yep and mozilla and links (graphical) and browsex but not in Konqueror. Oh and I did send a mistake. This one is perl cgi not asp. I lost my asp link.



You may want to purge any cookies for that site that may be telling on you.

You may also want to clean your cache which may be causing problems due to the fact that Konqueror doesn't like to let go of cached pages. That's what gives it the illusion of speed (same with Opera). Try developing web pages and checking them in those browsers and you'll know what I mean.

It's a shot in the dark, and may not totally solve your problems, but it may help.

-- Brant Fitzsimmons [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 | http://counter.li.org/ AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake Linux 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.16mm-mdk Reiserfs and XFS | KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client Uptime: 13:20:00 up 13 days, 13:50, 6 users, load average: 0.00, 0.07, 0.08 ------------------------------------------------------------------- "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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