On Monday 20 Oct 2003 2:00 am, rikona wrote:
> Hello Anne,
Hi, Rikona.  I appreciate the time you've spent on giving me details.

> Sunday, October 19, 2003, 12:18:33 PM, you wrote:
> My suggestions -
> Remove **ALL** M$ software from the computer, except the OS (as
> best you can since it's 'all OS'). Especially do not allow access
> to Outlook or IE. Remove ANY way to launch these.
This done from the start.  She uses no M$ software at all.  Lotus 
SmartSuite is her office suite, and Mozila her mail/browser.

> I am VERY interested in security and privacy, and have looked at
> several apps to make Win systems safe on BOTH counts.
> For email, the MOST secure app I know of, by far, is TheBat. It
> does not use ANY Win components, even for HTML. I have never heard
> of a successful exploit for TB. As to settings, it can be set to
> simply NOT open certain kinds of attachments, even if someone tries
> (unless they reconfigure, of course). It can also be set to give
> BIG, nasty, multiple warnings if someone tries to open a 'baddie'.
> You'd have to be pretty dense to do it anyway. Even the most rank
> newbies can understand the plain language of these warnings. I know
> of no safer email client for Win. The bad news is that it costs
> $40, but that's it for several years of reliable operation. There
> are a ton of other features too.
I think I will forward the whole of your mail for her to read.  The 
cost is not huge, and shouldn't be a barrier, so it's a matter of 
getting her to feel comfortable with changes that are necessary.

> A lot of bad stuff comes via the web, especially if you are
> concerned about privacy. My favorite browser is Opera, again
> because it uses no Win components. The key to browsing safely and
> with a bit of privacy is to use a proxy, no matter which browser
> you use. I favor Proxomitron and DNSkong. Together, they can give
> an essentially ad-free browsing experience, also blocking almost
> all the snoops. You can get configuration info, including
> pre-configured files and many details at
> http://www.geocities.com/yosponge/ .
I don't think she would consider that part to be a priority.

> Put in a firewall. For firewalls, I used to use Zone Alarm, but
> moved to Kerio. Much better, IMHO. Kerio is going through some
> upheaveals now, and I would NOT use their latest version. Get
> version 2.1.4 or 2.1.5. yosponge also has good sets of
> pre-configured firewall rules for Kerio. You'll be solid as a rock
> with it. Sygate is also good, if you're a bit nervous about the
> current status of Kerio.
I'll look further into this one.  It has to be something that doesn't 
need much in the way of user intervention.  I was happy with ZA when 
I ran it, but it needed me to make the decisions, training it.  She 
would probably not be happy with that.  I know that means 
compromises, but we may have to accept that.

> If at all possible, use a small router ahead of the computer, even
> if there is only one computer. This isolates the OS and improves
> safety a LOT. If possible, get one with an SI firewall built in.
That's not an option atm.

> My preferred newsreader is Agent, if you need one. It is also solid
> as a rock, and has some very nice features.
She doesn't need a newsreader.

> I'm an old-fashioned type who likes to use an app for each thing I
> do. I dislike this everything-does-everything approach of M$.
I have always taken the approach that if a user has never used IE and 
Outlook they will have no difficulty using something different.  I 
used to install Netscape, but moved to Mozilla around 18 months ago.  
I know it's still the all-in-one approach, but at least the danger is 

> Just a few ideas...

And much appreciated.  Thanks

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