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On Monday 10 November 2003 04:33 am, T. Ribbrock wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 09, 2003 at 07:56:53PM -0500, Praedor Atrebates wrote:
> > I don't know what this means.  I write a paragraph in OO, in Lyx, and in
> > Abiword.  Same paragraph.  I then print it.  It looks identical
> > printer).  This is HELL when you are trying to add graphics the page
> > after the first reference in the text.
> [...]
> I always added my graphics inline after the first reference by simply
> adding the corresponding "include" (that's not the reight word, but you
> know what I mean) after the first time I referred to it. And then it got
> placed after the first reference without me having to know anything
> about page breaks. I've hardly ever had to add page breaks manually in

What are you referring to here?  I have tried inline graphics either with or 
without text flowing around the graphic.  This can be nifty, given a good 
graphic and proper page placement, but as to automatic placement of a graphic 
on the next page all by itself with its legend (the rules according to 
university x)?  There is an obscure method in lyx that will automagically 
create a graphic/figure page on the next full page immediately following its 
first referent in the text (ie, via some special character/insert 
command/latex command)?  

> [0] There IS NO WYSIWYG FOR HTML! Pity too many people pretend it exists
>     - with their pages looking accordingly bad...

And yet, there is no real reason that this must be the case.  A browser is a 
browser is a browser, provided it understands proper HTML.  There is no magic 
reason a WYSIWYG HTML editor cannot be done.  It just hasn't yet been done 
right.  There is nothing magic about manually entering a <tag> by hand and 
via a nice GUI app/button.  Nothing.  The <tag> is a <tag> is a <tag>.  
Perhaps the problem has been people who create a webpage to fit within the 
immediate bounds of their current running editing app, thinking that this 
represents a universal view?  I don't know.  

Starting and stopping paragraphs (<P></P>), headings (<H></H>), etc, are not 
magically "better" if done by hand via text editor vs in GUI app.  So long as 
a paragraph remains a paragraph no matter what size a browser window is set 
at, so long as headings remain headings, italics remain italics, etc, I don't 
see where there could possibly be a problem.  Perhaps the problems comes from 
people using froo-froo crap styles unnecessarily, things that are barely 
standard?  Things that should never have been added in the first place?

- -- 
"Our ship is in the hands of pilots who are steering directly under full sail 
for a rock.  The whole crew may see this course to violate our liberties in 
full view if they look the right way."
h--Samuel Adams, 1771
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