On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 01:05:26PM -0500, Praedor Atrebates wrote:
Content-Description: clearsigned data
> What are you referring to here?  I have tried inline graphics either with or 
> without text flowing around the graphic.  This can be nifty, given a good 
> graphic and proper page placement, but as to automatic placement of a graphic 
> on the next page all by itself with its legend (the rules according to 
> university x)?  There is an obscure method in lyx that will automagically 
> create a graphic/figure page on the next full page immediately following its 
> first referent in the text (ie, via some special character/insert 
> command/latex command)?  

Ok, I get it now - I've never tried that special approach, so I can't
comment on it. I've only ever used inline graphics, as I never had the
need for anything else...

> > [0] There IS NO WYSIWYG FOR HTML! Pity too many people pretend it exists
> >     - with their pages looking accordingly bad...
> And yet, there is no real reason that this must be the case.  A browser is a 
> browser is a browser, provided it understands proper HTML.  There is no magic 
> reason a WYSIWYG HTML editor cannot be done.

Wrong. A WYSIWYG cannot be done for HTML. What You See Is What You Get
WHERE? That's the question. With a medium like HTML, I know nothing
about the system it's displayed on and I can not make any assumptions
about it. The resulting page is supposed to work everywhere - that's
the basic idea of it. Hence, WYSIWYG is impossible, as I will never be
able to know the exact output, other than on my own setup(s). That's
what I was getting at.


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