2009/10/25 Phil Dawes <p...@phildawes.net>:
> I like the on-demand idea but unfortunately at the moment all we have is
> the ability to pass startup args to the new vm. So vm A creates vm B and
> gets to pass some (command line) args to it, there's no mechanism where
> A can ask for a new pipe handle from B.

Hmm, no I thought I understood this, but I don't really. You're saying
that the current API is something along the lines of

    create-vm ( startup-args -- )

How's that any better than spawning a completely new Factor process?

On the other hand, if the API is

    create-vm ( startup-args -- vm )

then you get back a VM handle, which the calling thread can use how it
likes. With a suitable

    get-pipe ( vm -- write-pipe read-pipe )

call, you can (allocate and) get the necessary pipe handles.

> Of course we could create a mechanism where A gets to ask B 'give me the
> pipe handle', but I guess that would pretty much amount to a message
> passing system in its own right so we're back to square one!

I'm not sure how the above counts as a message passing system. The
get-pipe call can simply create the pipes if necessary, cache them,
then return the results. You might need a bit of juggling to cache the
results in the right place, given the lack of any shared global
memory, but that should be doable.

(I'll ask again, because I'm still baffled by the various git
repositories/branches/whatever - is there anywhere I can download a
work-in-progress copy of all this?)


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