Paul Moore wrote:
> 2009/10/25 Phil Dawes <>:
>> I like the on-demand idea but unfortunately at the moment all we have is
>> the ability to pass startup args to the new vm. So vm A creates vm B and
>> gets to pass some (command line) args to it, there's no mechanism where
>> A can ask for a new pipe handle from B.
> Hmm, no I thought I understood this, but I don't really. You're saying
> that the current API is something along the lines of
>     create-vm ( startup-args -- )
> How's that any better than spawning a completely new Factor process?

Good question! Not much probably.

To be honest if every platform I was interested in was a unix I would 
have just used fork. In fact fork is cleaner because I could use a local 
variable for the parent pipe and the child process would be able to use 
this directly without faffing about with locks and stuff.

Anyway, using tcp for communication between processes on windows was 
just clunky enough that I wondered if I how difficult it would be to run 
a bunch of factor vms in the same process, and that's what started me 
down this road.

I'm still not sure if running many vms in a process is as useful as it 
sounds, but the reentrant code changes are a step towards true native 
threading so I guess if it doesn't work out it's still a useful step.



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