2009/10/27 Phil Dawes <p...@phildawes.net>:
> Paul Moore wrote:
>> Hmm, no I thought I understood this, but I don't really. You're saying
>> that the current API is something along the lines of
>>     create-vm ( startup-args -- )
>> How's that any better than spawning a completely new Factor process?
> Good question! Not much probably.


> To be honest if every platform I was interested in was a unix I would
> have just used fork. In fact fork is cleaner because I could use a local
> variable for the parent pipe and the child process would be able to use
> this directly without faffing about with locks and stuff.

Hmm, yes, it's the biggest conceptual mismatch between Unix and
Windows - multiprocessing with fork on Unix is easy enough that
threads aren't really that big a deal (in fact, IIRC, on Linux at
least at one point, threads were implemented as some sort of stripped
down forked process, with memory sharing). But on Windows, threads are
far more lightweight than processes, and make much more sense.

> Anyway, using tcp for communication between processes on windows was
> just clunky enough that I wondered if I how difficult it would be to run
> a bunch of factor vms in the same process, and that's what started me
> down this road.

Ugh yes. And then you end up with talking between the threads not
being that much easier :-)

Just a thought - I wonder how hard it would be to implement some sort
of fork-like API at the factor level, using multiple VMs and threads
on Windows? Perl did something like that with their threading support,
I believe. Probably the biggest issue would be duplicating the heap
and stuff like that...

> I'm still not sure if running many vms in a process is as useful as it
> sounds, but the reentrant code changes are a step towards true native
> threading so I guess if it doesn't work out it's still a useful step.

My main interest is playing with a highly CPU-bound (toy) problem I
have, where I'd love to be able to use my dual-core PC to its full
potential. Thread pools, parallel map and things like that would be
really cool, but they need to be layered on top of real OS threads,
rather than factor's current threads.


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