Doug Coleman <doug.coleman@...> writes:

> In general, you shouldn't want to do this, as all Factor words
> (besides the one I'm about to show you) need a fixed number of
> parameters at compile-time. Macros expand at compile-time, so that's
> one way to get around the restriction.
> The other way it to use a slow word called with-datastack:
> { 1 2 } [ + ] with-datastack
> You can also use smart combinators:
> [ 2 1 - 3 ] sum-outputs
> This works because the quotation infers at compile-time, and
> sum-outputs is a "smart" combinator that expands based on the number
> of outputs inferred.
> You are trying to do a C varargs function, basically, and just as in
> C, most Factor words are not varags.
> If you have more details about what you want to program, we could help you!
> Doug

Hi Doug,

I want to divide an integer by 2 until it gets to 1.

I have this snippet of code that goes into a loop.

dup 1 > [ dup 2 /i ] [  ] if

When it gets to 1 I want to push the elements into a sequence.

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