
>   OK, good. When I call CreateThread, one of the parameters I need to pass it 
> is a function pointer to the code which will run in the new thread. My 
> question is: can I pass a Factor quotation or a word as the function pointer? 
> Or is there some wrapper to make it possible, like with-new-vm or something?

Yes. See 
for an example on how to pass callbacks to c functions. So if
CreateThread has signature:

                                SIZE_T dwStackSize,
                                LPVOID lpStartAddress,
                                LPVOID lpParameter,
                                DWORD dwCreationFlags,
                                LPDWORD lpThreadId )

You need to declare a callback:

CALLBACK: DWORD ThreadProc ( LPVOID lpParameter )

Then a callback maker:

: <ThreadProc> ( -- alien )
    [ ] comparer ;      <-replace [ ] with your code

Then call it:

    f 1024 <ThreadProc> f 0 1234 CreateThread

mvh/best regards Björn Lindqvist

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