2016-09-12 8:32 GMT+02:00 Alexander Ilin <ajs...@yandex.ru>:
> Win 8x64, Factor 32-bit.
> I'm trying to run some demos, and they say I need alut.dll and openal32.dll,
> both of which I've downloaded and placed in the Factor.exe folder.

It actually is the OpenAL32.dll with the special casing you need.
That's the name alut.dll and the alut vocab references. It might not
matter because Windows' filesystem is case-insensitive.

> When I click some of the buttons on the `"demos" run` page I see some
> modules loading, and then "Could not initialize OpenAL" with the Abort
> option.
> Is it just me, or do some other people have the same issue?

I also have it. It could be that the OpenAL version in the dlls aren't
compatible with the sound system in Windows 10. I think Windows and
OpenAL has always been a bit of trouble. You can try:

f f alutInit drop alutGetError alutGetErrorString

And see what error message you get.

mvh/best regards Björn Lindqvist

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