Nice! I'm also using RipGrep.
Thank you!
06.06.2020, 01:37, "Doug Coleman" <>:
Yes, you can see this using ripgrep:
➜  factor-master git:(master) ✗ cd vm
➜  vm git:(master) ✗ rg nano_count
30:uint64_t nano_count() {

os-windows.hpp       <-----------------------
70:uint64_t nano_count();
77:uint64_t nano_count() {

31:      last_nano_count(0),

49:uint64_t nano_count();

os-windows.cpp         <------------------------
147:uint64_t nano_count() {
155:  // nano_count calls would show a difference of about 1 second,

67:  srand((unsigned int)nano_count());

10:      start_time(nano_count()),
14:  start_time = nano_count();
17:void gc_event::reset_timer() { temp_time = nano_count(); }
20:  times[phase] = (cell)(nano_count() - temp_time);
26:  total_time = (cell)(nano_count() - start_time);
32:    start_time = nano_count();

12:void factor_vm::primitive_nano_count() {
13:  uint64_t nanos = nano_count();
14:  if (nanos < last_nano_count) {
16:    std::cout << std::hex << last_nano_count;
21:  last_nano_count = nanos;

32:      _(minor_gc) _(modify_code_heap) _(nano_count) _(quotation_code)          \

140:  uint64_t last_nano_count;
176:  void primitive_nano_count();
On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 5:14 PM Alexander Ilin <> wrote:
Does it also return 8 bytes in 32-bit Windows?
06.06.2020, 01:09, "Doug Coleman" <>:
Actually, I can be more helpful. ``nano-count`` returns a ``uint64_t`` so you need 8 bytes.
In vm/os-genunix.cpp:
uint64_t nano_count() {
  struct timespec t;
  int ret = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t);
  if (ret != 0)
    fatal_error("clock_gettime failed", 0);
  return (uint64_t)t.tv_sec * 1000000000 + t.tv_nsec;
On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 5:00 PM Doug Coleman <> wrote:
As long as you can fully round-trip the integer, it doesn't matter how many bytes you use.
nano-count dup 4 >be be> = .
nano-count dup 8 >be be> = .
nano-count dup 128 >be be> = .
``log2 1 +`` will give you the required number of bits to store an integer. You will want to round up to a power of 8 bits or a power of two bytes.
USE: math.bitwise
nano-count dup dup log2 1 + bits =
On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 4:44 PM Alexander Ilin <> wrote:
Hello again!
 My specific example is the following. I want to put the output of `nano-count` into a `byte-array`, which is fed into a hash. The current value of `nano-count` is one of the sources of randomness gathered from the system and poured into the hash. To convert the integer value into a `byte-array` there are `>le` and `>be`, but they require the number of bytes as a parameter. The question is, what should I supply for the value received from `nano-count`?
 And the bigger question is, given an integer value, is there a way to interrogate it about its byte size, i.e. the minimum number of bytes it takes to hold the value without truncation and without leading zeroes:
 Value -- MinSize
 0 -- 1
 255 -- 1
 256 -- 2
 65535 -- 2
 65536 -- 3
 I would expect such information to be available somewhere without doing the power of two calculations in a loop.
23.03.2020, 05:41, "Doug Coleman" <>:
For Factor, integers are either fixnum or bignum size. For C, you tell it how many bytes it occupies according to the C header. Generally the sizes are the same across platforms. If they aren't, you might need two different STRUCT: declarations like in basis/unix/stat/linux/32/32.factor and basis/unix/stat/linux/64/64.factor.
The main point -- function signatures and struct declarations usually handle the integer sizes and you shouldn't have to think much about it. Do you have a specific example? 
Earlier I wrote:
 One more question. I want to convert an integer into a byte-array containing its bytes. In my use case it was the return value of the nano-count, but the question is general: how can I get the bytes of an integer.
 For floats there are primitives like float>bits and double>bits, and for integers there is >le and >be, but for the latter two I need to specify the size in bytes. Is there a way to ask an integer how many bytes it occupies? Because from the documentation it's not clear at all how many bytes nano-count would return, and it may vary depending on the current platform. What am I missing?
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