I had a very interesting experience at my local TM center one day
about 15 years ago. I arrived at the center before an Advanced Meeting
- you know the weekly group meditations and tapes they used to have. 

There was quite a ruckus going on outside the front door. Several
people were arguing and being very hostile. Because I was early for
the meeting, I decided to meditate in my van before the meeting. I had
no idea what noise was all about. 

That particular mediation was a very spectacular personal experience.
I immediately dove very, very deep and experienced a soft and
beautiful unity with life. I had the feeling that a big beautiful
bubble of love, and safety surrounded me. I felt a wonderful glow
exuding from within myself, caressing my environment.

When I went to go inside the center I could see that there was a small
crowd outside the door arguing. As I approached the crowd, all the
noise stopped, and they became very quiet. Their 'leader" gave me a
puzzled and astonished look - it was obvious that he could see the
peace I was feeling.

After entering the building all the noise started again. It turned out
they were a group of so-called "Christians" protesting the center and
trying to "save" the people going to the Friday-night advanced
meetings. I felt sorry for them, isn't the "peace that passeth all
understanding" what they want too?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I am floating an article i came across the net which speaks about 
> the bad effects of yoga..and what the bible says about yoga.any 
> thoughts on it?
> the article follows>..
> ==============================================
> What Does the Bible Say About Yoga?
> by Michael Sharif
> Yoga is pervasive. Yoga is in the east and the west. Yoga classes are 
> offered in Central Africa, in Russia, in Australia. Flyers for yoga 
> are on university bulletin boards, in health food stores, in the 
> elevators of high rise apartment buildings in downtown Los Angeles, 
> and even as part of some YMCA physical education programs. Is yoga 
> merely a physical exercise? 
> Regarding the yoga asanas or physical postures Swami Vivekananda 
> writes in his book Raja Yoga : "A series of exercises, physical and 
> mental, is to be gone through every day until certain higher states 
> are reached. Nerve currents will have to be dispatched and given a 
> new channel. New sorts of vibrations will begin: the whole 
> constitution will be remodeled, as it were." 
> In Yoga: The Method of Re-Intergation Alain Danielou, a French 
> scholar on yoga, writes that the real import of yoga is as "a process 
> of control of the gross body which aims at freeing the subtle body." 
> The subtle body is regarded as extremely complex and consisting of 
> 72,000 invisible psychic channels called nadis corresponding to the 
> physical or gross body. The subtle body and the physical body are 
> connected at seven primary points or chakras ranging from the top of 
> the head to the base of the spine. 
> The charkas are believed to control the consciousness of an 
> individual. Manipulating the spine through various yoga postures is 
> believed to increase the energy flow from the subtle body altering 
> the consciousness of the individual. Kundalini yoga and hatha yoga 
> directly manipulate the charkas through their various postures and 
> breathing exercises. 
> In a mind over body relationship mantra yoga also seeks to alter 
> consciousness of an individual by the repetition of mantras, which 
> Guru Dev, the guru of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, considered the "favorite 
> names of the gods". Mantras are repeated silently or audibly up to 
> several hours and produce altered states of consciousness. 
> Yoga is bound up in Eastern religious metaphysics and is not an 
> innocent form of relaxing the body and the mind. The goal of yoga is 
> the same as that of Hinduism, which is realizing that one is Brahman, 
> the underlying impersonal God of the Universe in Hinduism. According 
> to Psychic Forces and Occult Shock (Wilson and Weldon): "The physical 
> exercises of yoga are designed to prepare the body for the 
> psychospiritual change vital to inculcating this idea (the 
> realization that one is Brahman) into the consciousness and being of 
> the person. Hence talk of separating yoga practice from theory is 
> meaningless. From a Christian perspective, whether the two can safely 
> be divided is doubtful. 'I do yoga, but Hinduism isn't involved,' is 
> an incorrect statement." 
> A Spiritual Counterfeits Project (Berkeley, California) publication 
> on "Yoga" states: "For while it may suit the secular fancy to espouse 
> only that selected aspect (the physical) of yoga which fits the 
> bourgeois notion of what yoga is supposed to do (i.e. make a 
> beautiful body), the fact still remains that even physical yoga is 
> inextricably bound up in the whole of Eastern religious metaphysics. 
> In fact, it is quite accurate to say that physical yoga and Indian 
> metaphysics are mutually interdependent; you really can't have one 
> without the other." 
> In the Shankara tradition, which pervades most of contemporary 
> Hinduism, the raindrop is pictured as the symbol of the individual 
> self and the ocean is the symbol of the universal soul (J.Isamu 
> Yamamoto, SCP Newsletter). "The absorption of the raindrop into the 
> ocean is symbolic of the absorption of the person into the impersonal 
> universe. After people attain enlightenment, they lose their 
> identities and become one with the all. Absorption is the goal of the 
> monist Hindu" (J.Isamu Yamamoto, SCP Newsletter , March-April 1983). 
> "The candle flame is a Buddhist image of the individual; it is the 
> light of life that flickers in the darkness of sorrow. The quest of 
> each ardent Buddhist is to extinguish their own flame. They seek not 
> merely a physical death but a death that will deliver them from both 
> the physical and spiritual life. Extinction is the goal of the 
> traditional Buddhist" (J. Isamu Yamamoto, SCP Newsletter , op.cit.). 
> For this author more persuasive than any authority is the author's 
> personal experience in mantra yoga, hatha yoga, and kundalini yoga. 
> Definite altered states of consciousness are produced by yoga. 
> However, these states of consciousness while initially anesthetic 
> became with constant yoga practice progressively more oppressive 
> resulting in a disassociation from the external world. Sensory input 
> was accentuated and produced an overreaction to external stimuli 
> resulting in anxiety. On intensive asana-meditation courses the 
> author experienced several blackouts during mantra meditation 
> sessions which lasted up to an hour and a half. No consciousness of 
> elapsed time and no memory of what had transpired during the blackout 
> existed after such an experience. 
> Coping with these altered states of consciousness produced in the 
> author mounting tension making him easily upset by trifles (slamming 
> of a door, the screeching of a jet fighter plane, traffic). In many 
> ways the meditation/yoga experience is the classic experience of 
> anxiety disorder so well documented by the Australian doctor Claire 
> Weekes in her classic book Hope and Help For Your Nerves , which also 
> offers the best non clinical approach for curing anxiety disorder of 
> which panic attacks are common symptoms. 
> Meditation and yoga in many instances cause anxiety disorder. This 
> author's experience is that the techniques result in feelings of 
> unreality, feelings of personality disintegration, and depression. It 
> is the author's belief that many of the so-called "advanced states of 
> consciousness" are no more than the result of extreme sensitization, 
> a state in which our nerves react in an exaggerated way to stress 
> induced by the yoga/meditation techniques, producing an overshadowing 
> sensory unreality similar to those induced by consciousness altering 
> drugs. 
> Yoga is marketed in the guise of an innocent, healthful technique, 
> but it is far from it. H.Rieker warns: "Yoga is not a trifling jest 
> if we consider that any misunderstanding in the practice of yoga can 
> mean death or insanity," and that if the breath is "prematurely 
> exhausted, there is immediate danger of death for the yogi" (Rieker, 
> The Yoga of Light (Los Angeles: Dawn House) 1974, p. 135). Blackouts, 
> strange trance states, or insanity are listed from even "the 
> slightest mistake…" of practicing yoga. Swami Prabhavananda's Yoga 
> and Mysticism lists brain injury, incurable disease, and insanity as 
> potential hazards of wrong yoga practice. 
> If one is experiencing stress and needs to relax there are many ways 
> to do this such as going for a walk, a picture show, playing sports, 
> going out for dinner, taking a vacation than pursuing yoga. To 
> strengthen one's body you can lift weights, run, swim etc… rather 
> than doing yoga postures. 
> In Psychic Forces and Occult Shock Wilson and Weldon state, "Yoga is 
> really pure occultism, as any number of yoga and occult texts prove 
> (R.S Mishra's Yoga Sutras and Fundamentals of Yoga , J. Brennan's 
> Astral Doorways and H. Chaudhuri's Philosophy of Meditation are 
> footnoted). Occult abilities are very common from yoga practice, and 
> the numerous dangers of occultism are evident from many studies (K. 
> Koch's Christian Counseling and Occultism is footnoted). The yoga 
> scholar and Sanskrit authority, Mishra, states: 'In conclusion, it 
> may be said that behind every psychic investigation, behind 
> mysticism, occultism, etc., knowingly or unknowingly, the yoga system 
> is present. (Mishra, op.cit.)'" Kurt Koch in his various excellent 
> books correlates delving with the occult with subsequent experiences 
> of anxiety and depression sometimes resulting in suicide. 
> The Bible informs us that God created Adam of the dust of the earth 
> and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7). Man 
> is a created, separate being. Man can have a relationship with the 
> Living God by accepting His Son, God's physical incarnation, Jesus 
> Christ. The Bible does not teach that through yoga man can attain 
> progressive higher levels of consciousness so that man will realize 
> he is one with God and merge with Brahman as Hinduism teaches or that 
> man's personality can be extinguished as a flame is extinguished as 
> Buddhism teaches. The Bible does not mention or recognize yoga or any 
> system where man can become one with God. 
> God is so far above man that man cannot work his way up to God 
> through his own actions. Because of the original sin of Adam and Eve 
> man is fatally flawed. He is born in sin. But God so loved man that 
> he provided a plan of redemption. God Himself became man (John 1:14) 
> to provide the perfect sacrifice to atone for man's sin. The perfect 
> sacrifice had to be God Himself as only God is without sin. Accepting 
> God's provision for sin, his Son, gives man an eternal life in God's 
> presence. The earthly body is shed and replaced with an eternal body 
> at death. Man does not become nor does he merge with God. Salvation 
> is a free gift given by grace, and not something which has to be 
> worked for. 
> Both Hinduism and Buddhism believe in reincarnation, the 
> transmigration of souls from one body to the next over time. One 
> reincarnates to overcome one's karma or one's attachment to the 
> material world and the recurring patterns which bind one to the 
> material world. Only by elevating one's consciousness through yoga 
> and piercing the "veil of illusion," which is the material world, can 
> one transcend and merge with Brahman or snuff out one's flame and 
> attain Nirvana. 
> The Bible teaches that man lives once and then comes judgment 
> (Hebrews 9:27). For those who have accepted Christ there is no 
> judgment as the decision has been made to spend eternity with the 
> source of all goodness, joy, and purity, the personal God of the 
> Universe. For those who never knew Christ God will judge with 
> absolute fairness, but for those who have rejected Christ eternity 
> will be spent in a horrible place where God does not exist, a place 
> to which Jesus referred to more than anyone else in the Bible, a 
> place of eternal agony … hell (Mark 9:48). 
> Yoga is not a panacea, it is a system where man tries to work his way 
> to God. Yoga is not necessary and all of man's works are nothing but 
> dirty rags before the righteousness of God. Why spend one's life in 
> bondage chasing a mirage, spending countless hours doing yoga 
> exercises and meditating, hoping to pull oneself off samsara, the 
> wheel of reincarnation. Man can never become God. Because of the sin 
> of Adam man dies. What mortal man can compare to even an angel of 
> God? Daniel saw the angel Gabriel and here is his awesome 
> description: 
> "I looked up and suddenly there before me stood a person robed in 
> linen garments, with a belt of purest gold around his waist, and 
> glowing lustrous skin! From his face came blinding flashes like 
> lightning, and his eyes were pools of fire; his arms and feet shone 
> like polished brass, and his voice was like the roaring of a vast 
> multitude of people. I, Daniel, alone saw this great vision; the men 
> with me saw nothing, but they were suddenly filled with unreasoning 
> terror and ran to hide and I was left alone. When I saw this 
> frightening vision my strength left me, and I grew pale and weak with 
> fright. (Daniel 10: 5-8, Living Bible)." 
> Man doesn't have to become God. God stretches forth His hand 
> (Revelation 3:20) and all you have to do is take it by making a 
> conscious decision to accept Jesus Christ. Ask him humbly to take 
> charge of your life in simple words. Then the Holy Spirit will 
> indwell you and you will have peace, joy, and certainty. Only then 
> will you shed your old cocoon and experience God's metamorphosis. 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> Michael Sherif practiced mantra yoga (meditated silently on a 
> supposedly "meaningless" sound which was really the vehicle that drew 
> him into a "Hindu" deity or really a demon from our Christian 
> perspective). He was in bondage to this, in combination with hatha 
> yoga for six years. According to his testimony this was a horrible 
> experience for him. Yoga involvement is really an exercise in a 
> demonic activity which is portrayed as "fun" and "healthy"  that can 
> lead to demonic possession. He experienced different states of 
> sensory consciousness which were dark and sterile until Jesus set him 
> free. You may read other articles that deal with witchcraft and New 
> Age bondage at his website:  www.earthharvest.org

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