--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The use of words may be frustrating in this case. Often My Guru 
will say "this one" 

Right, but Ramana Maharshi and others say "I'. Saying "this one" all 
the time is ridiculous!..

> replacing the word "I", the other Gurus in my path do the same. My 
Guru said that 
> speaking this way is researved or those Realized because the "me" 
is gone and there is 

Again, absurd. Tell your Guru to try speaking Engles, Senor.

> nothing to replace it with. On other occasions, my Guru will say I 
and me, but in general in 
> my gurus books, she cautions the disciples not to view the Guru as 
persona but as 
> consciousness

Why would your Guru caution people to engage in mood making?  MMY 
doesn't caution people in that manner.  Your Guru is an oddball.
> Generally speaking, Gurus will say I and me, and as I cast my 
opinion before, when they 
> use this speach, and if they are claiming enlightenment, and at the 
same time referring to 
> the individual I, then this is dellusion.

Again, Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj have used the "I" 
word on many occations, MMY likewise, and Jerry Jarvis.  Are you 
saying these people are not Enlightened? 
> Since there is no "Me", then when they use this, they are 
referenceing something other- I 
> think this is understood by many or most here. 

Precisely, at last we agree on something!. But nobody on this forum 
said there WAS a false "Me" or "I".  Besides, what's so special about 
that declaration, in view of the fact that Sages have been saying 
this for thousands of years.
> The bottom line is not changing as I see it- my Guru's comments-
 "the fallacy is that a 
> "me"  becomes enlightened

Nobody every said a "me" becomes Enlightened.  Stop confusing the 
issues.  As reported by various Enlightened persons, Enlightenment as 
a Realization takes place within the realm of apparent space-time; in 
which case the individuals REPORT that they "became" Enlightned; 
realized the innate, "prior", pure Consciousness of the Self.
Thus, in the process of an apparent progression in which the 
obstacles to Enlightenment were gradually (or perhaps suddenly) 
removed, the false "me" obviously cannot exist.
 However, the "I" or "me" as mentioned by Ramana and Nisargadatta 
Maharaj, and many others, still exists as a body/mind minus the 
delusion of separateness.
 For example, Rory states that he realized the Self at some 
particular time (I forgot the year, 2001?)
Adi Da says he realized the Self in 1970 while at the Vedanta Temple 
in Hollywood.
Ramakrishna says he realized the Self after getting initiated by a 
Brahmin in some non-dualist school.
Ramana says he realized the Self on 7-17-1896.
Lakshmana, a disciple of Ramana, claims he realized the Self (I 
believe in 1949); at which time shortly thereafter, he handed a note 
to Ramana saying "I have realized the Self".
HWL Poonja says he realized the Self while in the presence of Ramana 
Obviously, the Realization the Self implies that the "I" acting as an 
entity apparently separate from the Self had vanished, being a total 
delusion.  Nobody is disputing that! Thus, that "I" can't realized 
the Self since it was a delusional entity. 

So what is meant by such persons when they say "I have realized the 
Self".  The meaning is simply that (as reported by some aspect of the 
individual as a body/mind)....; btw, you will agree that the above 
persons reported that they had realized the Self.  This is a matter 
of record. To continue, the meaning is that the obscurations to the 
self-evident nature Pure Consciousness had VANISHED. However, some 
aspect of the body/mind reported on that event.
 Though there is no separate entity that can realize the Self, there 
is a part of the body/mind that can report on the fact of the 
Realization in apparent space-time. 
 Therefore, your Guru's statements are only partially correct.
If he wants to go around saying "this person" or whatever, in place 
of the "I" word, so be it.  The Dalai Lama acts like an ordinary 
person, on the surface.  He uses the "I" word, does he not?  Yes, in 
the Barbara Walters interfiew he used it several times.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "purushaz" <purushaz@> wrote:
> >
> > Ron---You don't understand, how many times do we have to go over 
> > this?  In Muktananda's tradition, there's a transfer of Shakti 
> > the BODY(s) of Muktananda to the BODY(s) of the disciple.  
> > the "me" in that context refers to the body, (and of course all 
> > attributes that make up a person, whether Enlightend or not).
> >  Do you agree that your Guru is a person, as opposed to other 
> > persons? Then he's an individual, and in due course of 
> > may say "I", and "me" often.
> >  Nobody is saying there's a delusional false "I" or 
> > "me" that your Guru identifies with. If he's Enlightened, then 
> > there's no such false "I"; however, there's still a body, mind, 
> > actions, reactions, conditionings, manner of social 
> > interactions; ....etc; all of which make up the "I" that 
> > your Guru from other people.  You will agree that your Guru is 
> > MMY, correct?
> >  Refer to "Prior to Consciousness", the transcribed statements of 
> > Nisargadatta Maharaj, page 31.
> >  The disciple asks, "Ramana Maharshi was a great sage, he was 
> > in India. When Paul Brunton wrote the book in English about him, 
> > everybody went to see him and he became well known" 
> > 
> > MAHARAJ: "I agree with that. Ramana Maharshi was discovered by 
> > Brunton and I was discovered by Maurice Frydman".
> >  So! From the King of all Neo-Advaitins, Nisargadatta Maharaj, we 
> > have the use of "I" twice in two lines, proving there is an "I"; 
> > (since, obviously), this "I" doesn't refer to the delusional "I" 
> > which didn't exist in his case at the time he spoke that, but 
> > everything - every property, quality, or attribute that made him 
> > individual person, as opposed to other persons.
> >  One of those differences between him and RM was that the latter 
> > was "discovered" by Paul Brunton (for Westerners), and Maurice 
> > Frydman discovered Nisargadatta Maharaj.
> >  Again, hopefully for the last time, the "I" for Enlightened 
> > is a valid referent to the entire spectrum of properties 
> > with the body(s); that makes up an individual person, and which 
> > distinguishes that person from others. But most important, 
the "I" in 
> > reference to Enlightened Gurus refers to a particular POV, 
> > from the POV's of other Gurus.  In some cases, the POV's are 
> > allied, such as Nisargadatta Maharaj and RM.
> >  In other cases, the POV's differ; say MMY vs Eckart Tolle.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron" <sidha7001@> wrote:
> > >
> > >  Comment from post:--"But Shakti comes from the teacher, 
> > the student's Shakti."
> > > 
> > > HR: Again, the central issue is that the fallacy is that a "me" 
> > gains enlightenment. As long 
> > > as there is a me that is there, there is further to go. 
> > belong to those having 
> > > them, absolute IS all there is in Enlightenmenet.
> > > 
> > > Not unusual for people to have this glimpse, then the mind 
> > Then such comments 
> > > as I am enlightened and yes the me does return, there is an 
> > then they can be 
> > > forgiven. Well, just because this is the experience where the 
> > rerooted, it is not the 
> > > experience for those enlightened. For those with this rerooting 
> > the mind, there is more 
> > > to go. If one is one's one guru, has the inner Guru as the 
guide, ( 
> > weather as form or 
> > > absolute concept), and one thinks they have arrived, it is sad 
> > because there is more to go 
> > > but they are not going to hear one word of that.
> > > 
> > > The scriptures such as the one I posted, Ramana Maharishi and 
> > the great sages of the 
> > > past and now explain from their own existence that this is the 
> > case, there is no me and 
> > > there never was. The me is ego and it can not exist in 
> > enlightenment- it is either one or 
> > > the other.
> > > 
> > > These are the general points from my Guru, and the other two 
> > recently enlightened echo 
> > > the same independant of one another. 
> > > 
> > > I can only say that I have had the dharshan of MMY, Mother 
> > and MY Guru. In 
> > > addition, I have had shatipat with my Guru, as well as taking 
> > from a healer and also from 
> > > a deeksha giver with kalki- so I have all this to compare with.
> > > 
> > > In my case, it is the most significant with where I am now, it 
> > awakened the kundalini, 
> > > and the on going guidance ensures that things are in balance 
> > progress is taking place.  
> > > I notice great progress with about 10 fellow sadakas, it is 
> > impressive.
> > > 
> > > The reason that Kundalini is finished in enlightenment, and the 
> > reason shakti does not 
> > > come from an enlightened teacher is there is no persona there, 
> > is only consciuous
> > > 
> > > Hridaya Puri
> > >
> >

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