Bronte wrote some weeks back:        "And where does it leave the new 
visitors, often people disillusioned 
or questioning TM, looking for a safe place to talk about and share 
experiences? They can't do it at Fairfield Life, unless they want to 
be fried and eaten for breakfast."

  Judy wrote today:
Which may be why the woman Bronte has just fried
and eaten for breakfast chooses not to join us here
to share her experiences.
  Rick wrote:

  Isn’t it always that when we try to reform others’ behavior, we’re really 
concerned about those same tendencies within ourselves? I’ve been flagrantly 
guilty of this at times during my life, and still am on occasion.
  Bronte writes:
  Okay, you two. Judy first.
  How can I fry and eat the wholeness of the universe for breakfast? This is 
what the woman in question claims to be. If such is the case, she's beyond the 
ken of my criticisms. If, on the other hand, she is a self-aggrandizer who 
hides behind the illusion of spiritual superiority, such people should be 
publicly defrocked.  
  In either case, this is not a questioning person "looking for a safe place to 
discuss and share experiences." This is a guru in the worst (if not the 
literal) sense of the word. I have experience with this woman from the 
Wednesday night satsangs. She is condescending. That I can abide, as everyone 
has their faults. But when she posts an email here, that insults intuitives 
everywhere (I'll get to that later) and that brags about how sought-after she 
is by the local consciousness-beggars -- it's time for me to speak up. 
  I can't stand consciousness bullies any more than I like bullies in general, 
and the consciousness bullies who work subtly are the most insidious. It's 
quite blatant to say "I'm a great realized swami - bow down to my feet." It's 
just as self-aggrandizing to not say it but act in a way that attracts it. 
  Now, for Rick:
  One of the easiest ways to discount criticism is to tell yourself "always 
when we try to reform others' behavior, we're concerned about the same 
tendencies within ourselves." This is another dogma-crutch you've picked up, 
Archer, which you use in place of reasoning. To write off a post as the 
writer's ego problem is a convenient way of ignoring someone's thoughts that 
challenge your own assumptions. Then you don't have to go deeper, and think 
about what they said. 
  Is it true that every outraged criticism written by man or woman had its 
source in the writer's being the very thing they criticized? Let's examine that 
assumption. It would mean that all persons who, in the early part of the 20th 
Century, wrote outraged rebukes of Hitler, were -- themselves -- fascists! 
Well, is that true, Rick? It is, using your statement as a measuring stick.
  I am outraged at anyone who sets themselves up above others as greater in 
consciousness. Why don't I get upset with Flanigan, who says he experiences 
higher states consistently, if I'm going to take Queenie to task? Because, 
Flanigan doesn't place himself above the rest of us, talking down to people as 
inferiors. He doesn't "avoid the beggars" or preach. He simply states his 
experience. That's very different from her majesty, whose very tone of voice in 
the Wednesday night meetings lets you know that SHE speaks from experience of 
how the universe works, and anything you say that may contradict her comes from 
your pitiful ignorance. 
  This woman makes clear to all that she and other "special" people in the 
satsang have attained higher vision which the rest who attend don't have. She 
came right out and said (in the post) that she attends the satsang discussions 
out of "generosity" (translation: to dispense her grace). Her self-sequestering 
and quiet manner add to her mystery, making this woman more sought-after by 
insecure people who think the answers lie outside themselves, in the "realized 
ones." Then their pursuing her adds still further to her belief in her 
  I'm asking myself why I feel so passionate about this. For one thing, I 
remember very strongly that in a lifetime not far in the past, I was an 
arrogant teacher of esoteric knowledge. I guilded my throne with the adulation 
of other people. In this lifetime, I have gone from wanting to be spiritually 
superior (in my youth) to being able to feel the pain of everyone around me, 
and that sensitizing has changed me into a person who truly wants EQUAL 
happiness for all. I recognize now that setting myself up above others by 
presenting myself as "one who has the knowledge" is a violent thing to do. 
  It is also untruthful. Everyone has the knowledge, just as every fish swims 
in the water. To make yourself different and better because your attention is 
on the water while the attention of some fellow fish is on the seaweed or sand, 
creates hierarchy. It divides the fishes. Of course, it makes people chase 
after you and see you as important, which is what this whole trip is about. We 
are all equal in God's vision. So if I want to be Godly, the first step is to 
SEE equally. 
  Special people don't see like that. They see themselves as having made it and 
the rest of us having not. They see the masses as needing the likes of them to 
get to where THEY are at. But it's all ego-illusion: one fish in the pond 
thinking he's better because he notices the water when other fishes focus on 
other things. 
  It's just silly. But boy, does  make for some drama below: with kings and 
courts and castles, peasants and vassals and servants. The haves and the have 
nots. The be's and the wannabes. Her highness wants to make sure she's on the 
right side of the line. I want to erase the damn thing.
  A word about psychics and why the woman's remarks on this subject so 
triggered me. I have sat in training with hundreds of sincere people who spent 
hours in pure consciousness alternating with focused work in remote view, 
healing and the like. They worked hard, and they achieved some outstanding 
results. They learned not just to transcend but to know and act from the level 
of the transcendent. Part of the reason they were in that school was to develop 
higher consciousness, and they did so at the same time as they learned to use 
consciousness to gain greater knowledge and make positive changes in the world.
  But the attitude Queenie and so many past TMers take about psychic abilities 
is that they are something to act superior to, something without useful 
purpose, mere parlor tricks. Yet such esoteric knowledge can save lives, change 
fortunes, and work great good in the world. Pure consciousness by itself -- 
unchanneled -- doesn't do that. 
  When the woman went into her little spiel about HER intuition being connected 
to the wholeness, that it was not mere psychic abilitiy, she was discounting in 
her self-importance all the little people I know who worked so hard to 
cultivate their consciousness and learn how to focus it into cosmic action. She 
sets herself above the whole lot of them, people I've come to love and respect, 
who I see using their gifts to make the world a better place. Queenie's 
intuition is superior because it is spontaneous, she implies, while psychic 
knowledge that is consciously called up by intutives is -- by comparison -- not 
  It burns my burritos to read such condescension. She speaks of other people's 
brand of psychic abilities as if she knows what that's about -- as if they're 
less than the stuff she is experiencing. From my experience, I know that's just 
not the case. The siddhis only come in expansive states of awareness. We are 
all the same, and that's what this woman doesn't want to realize. She says she 
sees all as equal, but her words and behavior belie that. 
  Arrogance doth not a true master make. If self-importance is not defrocked, 
it continues to take in people, trusting souls looking for their betters to 
show them the way. If enlightenment and equal happiness for all beings is ever 
going to be a reality on this planet, it can only happen with a spiritual 
attitude of democracy -- even anarchy. As long as we draw enlightenment lines, 
and declare some of us on one side, some on the other, you'll have the queens 
and the supplicants. 
  God alone should be guru, and God's in every one of us. Down with people 
wanting us to bow down. Expose them for their ordinaryness. When the illusion 
of superiority is ground into the dust, only then can the human mind -- EVERY 
human mind -- be free.      
  - Bronte

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