all the jyotishees are so inclined, because of the present
transit of Mercury.

this msg from Team CyberAstro (
summarizes it well:

Mercury is the planet of intelligence and exchange/transaction 
in our daily life. During retrograde motion, Mercury will cause
confusion, rumour galore, and communication bottlenecks in our life.
In mundane astrology, retrograde Mercury reverses the present trend 
in the stock market. So, watch out! 

Take a little more care on house keeping activities on your 
computer and mail systems. 

Of course effect of retrograde Mercury will be different 
on different people based on their individual charts 
and specific house and life aspects that Libra represents 
in the individual chart.

also, Fairfielder David Hawthorne has this to say:
"Mercury transits Libra from 12:39 to 04:43
and moves away from the aspects of Saturn and Rahu. 
Mercury is combust until Oct. 29, and retrograde until Nov. 1
Be careful with your stocks, business and communications."

> docu1000 wrote:
> Below is a free alert from Mahendra Sharma (link
> <>
> I wonder what Maharishi Jyotish predicts.
> Dear Member,
> We are approaching toward worst volatile period like 1929 and 1987.
> I advise please stay alert and just watch market. 
> Hold cash as many will fall with fall of commodities, 
> stock market and hot bubble currencies.
> This will happen in the next two weeks.
> As predicted today all commodities will remain very volatile.
> Trading up can move down during the day 
> (This apply for metals, oil and grains).
> I mentioned in newsletter that today is the day to sell 
> Canadian and Australian dollar and yes once again I confirm that.
> Currently December contract are trading at $1.0243 and 0.9009.
> Dollar index trading stable and it should trade positive.
> I predicted major crash in all stock market from 18 October 
> so watch this date closely and plan your trades accordingly. 
> There will blood-bath in Asian market and may few of the market
> will close down for few days so watch carefully. 
> Get out from all position before 18 October including metals,
> Uranium and Alternative energy stocks.
> Coffee and cotton to remain positive.
> Thanks & God Bless
> Mahendra Sharma, 11 Oct 5.50AM

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            • ... boo_lives
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              • ... nablusoss1008
      • ... off_world_beings
    • ... george_deforest
      • ... shukra69
        • ... m2smart4u2000
          • ... Bhairitu
            • ... m2smart4u2000
              • ... Bhairitu
                • ... m2smart4u2000
                • ... Marek Reavis
        • ... george_deforest
        • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
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