Thanks for this reminder.  I just looked up and confirmed what I suspected
the past few days -- Mercury IS retrograde.  Fasting and planning, fasting
and planning till it gets back on the forward track. *sigh*

On 10/19/07, shukra69 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mercury goes retrograde quite often. It also that Saturn is right now
> conjunct Ketu, and also right now Saturn is not only afflicted by
> that but also weak due to its dispositor being weak (the Sun, at the
> moment changing signs. This will impact some individuals and nations
> very badly depending on their ascendant and if they have a birth
> planet around the same approx 11 degrees in odd signs.
> But the worst is already averted.
> --- In, "george_deforest"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > all the jyotishees are so inclined, because of the present
> > transit of Mercury.
> >
> > this msg from Team CyberAstro (
> > summarizes it well:
> >
> > Mercury is the planet of intelligence and exchange/transaction
> > in our daily life. During retrograde motion, Mercury will cause
> > confusion, rumour galore, and communication bottlenecks in our life.
> >
> > In mundane astrology, retrograde Mercury reverses the present trend
> > in the stock market. So, watch out!
> >
> > Take a little more care on house keeping activities on your
> > computer and mail systems.
> >
> > Of course effect of retrograde Mercury will be different
> > on different people based on their individual charts
> > and specific house and life aspects that Libra represents
> > in the individual chart.
> >
> > also, Fairfielder David Hawthorne has this to say:
> > "Mercury transits Libra from 12:39 to 04:43
> > and moves away from the aspects of Saturn and Rahu.
> > Mercury is combust until Oct. 29, and retrograde until Nov. 1
> > Be careful with your stocks, business and communications."
> >
> >
> option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=104&Itemid=98
> >
> > > docu1000 wrote:
> > >
> > > Below is a free alert from Mahendra Sharma (link
> > > <>
> > > I wonder what Maharishi Jyotish predicts.
> > >
> > > Dear Member,
> > > We are approaching toward worst volatile period like 1929 and
> 1987.
> > > I advise please stay alert and just watch market.
> > > Hold cash as many will fall with fall of commodities,
> > > stock market and hot bubble currencies.
> > > This will happen in the next two weeks.
> > >
> > > As predicted today all commodities will remain very volatile.
> > > Trading up can move down during the day
> > > (This apply for metals, oil and grains).
> > >
> > > I mentioned in newsletter that today is the day to sell
> > > Canadian and Australian dollar and yes once again I confirm that.
> > > Currently December contract are trading at $1.0243 and 0.9009.
> > > Dollar index trading stable and it should trade positive.
> > >
> > > I predicted major crash in all stock market from 18 October
> > > so watch this date closely and plan your trades accordingly.
> > > There will blood-bath in Asian market and may few of the market
> > > will close down for few days so watch carefully.
> > > Get out from all position before 18 October including metals,
> > > Uranium and Alternative energy stocks.
> > > Coffee and cotton to remain positive.
> > > Thanks & God Bless
> > > Mahendra Sharma, 11 Oct 5.50AM
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