Many of the "mundane" (non yoga related) groups I'm on 
behave  more enlightened, balanced and sane than people here.  I'm 
sure others  have found this true too.
Doesn't speak well for TM does it?

Big judgement.  I think it does speak well for this group.  Ever been 
to a quiet party?  It's pretty boring.  I'd rather have a active group 
dynamic that DOES require a little imposed discipline - if thats what 
it takes to keep things from degrading into pettiness.

Supposedly with TM that discipline is supposed to come from within.  
So what you are saying is it doesn't.

Bhairitu, let me tell you a secret I have learned, that has allowed me 
to be a little successful in my chosen field of sales.  People like to 
talk.  People LOVE to talk, espcially about themselves, especially 
about their opinions.  And if you are willing to listen, you will find 
ourself making a friend.  So, no, I don't think TM will instill enough 
self discipline to overcome this tendency.  And I don't view it as a 
failure of TM. I view it as a positive thing that people here have 
opinions, and POVs that they want to express.

Just remember one thing.  God, (or whoever, or whatever), gave you two 
ears and one mouth for a reason.

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