--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > As a non-belief isn't anything positive in and of itself...
> In the parts of your response I snipped (because I
> had nothing to say about them), you claim that you 
> aren't saying that belief in God is "superior." Look
> at the above phrase and try to convince me of that.

Okay, nothing simpler than that. A positive statement is when I say:
'My sweater is red' When I say: 'My sweater is not red' its not a
positive statement' If I say: 'My sweater is not red but green' Its a
negative statement combined with a positive statement. Pls note that
here positive and negative are not value statements, but only regard
the nature of the statement itself. How you get anything about
'superiority' in this must be one of the mysteries I don't understand
> The part that you *continually* miss in these discus-
> sions is that untheism is NOT a "non-belief." It's a
> belief in the value of something *else*. I'm sorry,
> but you seem to be *incapable* of hearing this. 

Yes, I still don't understand. If un-theism is not a non-belief, what
is it? If you mean agnosticism, why don't you say it?

> > ...I cannot make such a statement of course. I have no 
> > objection to you not believing...
> I neither believe nor disbelieve. The existence of
> God is completely *irrelevant* to me. 

Which means that you don't believe. Because to a believer it is of
course relevant.

So you are basically saying you are a practical atheist, an apatheist:

"In practical, or pragmatic, atheism, also known as apatheism,
individuals live as if there are no gods and explain natural phenomena
without resorting to the divine. The existence of gods is not denied,
but may be designated unnecessary or useless; gods neither provide
purpose to life, nor influence everyday life, according to this
view.[43] A form of practical atheism with implications for the
scientific community is methodological naturalismâ€"the "tacit adoption
or assumption of philosophical naturalism within scientific method
with or without fully accepting or believing it."[44]"


> So believe *exactly* what you want. I don't CARE.

You forgot one thing: I don't KNOW. It goes like this:
I don't know and I don't care ;-)

And now I run.

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