To All Members:

Here is what Prabhupada commented on one of the slokas in the Srimad 
Bhagavatam, Canto 2, Chapter 10:

"The heavenly pleasure for the conditioned soul is sexual pleasure, and 
this pleasure is tasted by the genitals.  The woman is the object of 
sexual pleasure, and both the sense perception of sexual pleasure and 
the woman are controlled by the Prajapati, who is under the control of 
the Lord's genitals.  The impersonalist must know from this verse that 
the Lord is not impersonal, for He has His genitals, on which all the 
pleasurable objects of sex depend.  No one would have taken the trouble 
to maintain children if there were no taste of heavenly nectar by means 
of sexual intercourse...."

Comments anyone?  I can write the original sanskrit sloka and the 
remaining English commentaries if anyone is interested.

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