"John" wrote:
Here is what Prabhupada commented on one of the slokas in the Srimad
Bhagavatam, Canto 2, Chapter 10: "The heavenly pleasure for the
conditioned soul is sexual pleasure, and this pleasure is tasted by
the genitals.  The woman is the object of  sexual pleasure, and both
the sense perception of sexual pleasure and the woman are controlled
by the Prajapati, who is under the control of the Lord's genitals. 
The impersonalist must know from this verse that the Lord is not
impersonal, for He has His genitals, on which all the  pleasurable
objects of sex depend.  No one would have taken the trouble  to
maintain children if there were no taste of heavenly nectar by means 
of sexual intercourse...." Comments anyone?  I can write the original
sanskrit sloka and the  remaining English commentaries if anyone is


I've already commented on the distaff version of the above notions:

Here's what I wrote:

Women rule.

And they'll continue to rule forever, and it's been that way from the
beginningest beginning.

There's a female presence -- ancient, devious, powerful, spell casting
-- with a fort, an outpost, in every speck of you. Yes, ancient and
creepy -- hoary comes to mind -- but with a different spelling.

Proof: mitochondria.

It's time to lay the cards on the table. Time for males-in-jails
everywhere to rise up and confront the tyranny of their female ovum-lords.

The Jews had it figured. If yer mommy's not a Jew, you're not a Jew.

All my mitochrondria, all of them, one or more of them in each cell of
my body, are from my mother. And all of hers were from her mother.
All of yours from your mother. Every cell in your brain has a "mommy
thingy" that don't take no guff from the cell's DNA -- the
"barcalounging master of the castle." Dads are drones.

What are mitochondria? Here's the tell: mitochondria hold the purse
strings of cell metabolism -- they create most of the cell's "money,"
ATP, which the cells use to "do work." Mitochondria have their own
DNA -- nothing from Dad. What mitochondria do is "their business,"
Dad's genes are as sterile as Levi jeans, and they don't have any
say-so when it comes to what happens inside mitochondria.

Mitochondria are ancient and everywhere, almost -- very few cells on
planet earth are lacking mitochondria. Mitochondria are theorized to
once have been bacteria that invaded cells, and the cells made a deal
with the devil, surrendered to endosymbiosis, "put up with them"
because of the ATP dowry that mitochondria brought to the wedding.
With mitochondria the cells could have about 10 times more energy
produced/available from the same food sources.

What do the mitochondria get out of the deal?

That's the question.

Whatever a female wants from a male, that's what mitochondria get from
the cells.

Think about it; get back to me when you're as appalled by this truth
as I am.

What does the mitochondria get out of the deal? A very long list
presents itself -- I mean, what would you charge any business person
if you could increase their profits ten-fold? Would you ask for an
arm and a leg? Yep. Mitochondria ask for that and more. They get
the whole body; every cell of you is on its knees waiting for the next
paycheck of ATP molecules.

Men of earth -- you're all mommy's boys.

Fathers of earth -- you never had any children. Eve had Adam at "A."
(TP was the other three legs of the table.)

Hey, it's Maharishi's lecture on Aaaah again!

Given how subtle the workings of nature are, given how information
dense DNA can be, given how there's no such thing as a free lunch,
given how the tune of the piper is a paid performance, the stealth
mama's pig in a poke may be having its marching orders muffled by the
mitochondrion's outer membrane, but the cell hears them very well.
"Do what mommy says, or die."

I think every woman on earth resonates with endosymbiosis. The motto:
"Have male(s) build home/nest/cell, enter home, arrange the furniture
any way I want."

All the new age talk about alien implants. Well, news flash, it
happened 200,000 years ago when Ms Mitochondria, Eve the Implant,
moved in. Since then, every human being has had a copy of her
"independent brain" in every cell. Hers!!! Not your Dad's, hers,
hardly changed at all by evolution, hers handed to your mom's mom's
mom's mom's etc. and down the line until your mom injected her mom
into every bit of you.

Why did Bush invade Iraq? He's not telling. Same deal when Eve held
a shotgun to a male brain and said, "Wanna get married?" Pandora's
box is a corruption of this concept. In actuality, males opened their
"boxes" and let Pandora and all HER STUFF INSIDE! Freud is spinning
in his grave.

What are these femmys up to?

I don't trust them. Talk about an invasion of privacy. I feel icky,
creepified, grossed out. I'm now know what Ellen Ripley felt like at
the end of the film Alien 3. I've got cooties, my "cell"phone calls
are being spied upon by Eve "the Stith" Cheney-Vadar.

Big Momma will never leave the building.

All mitochondria are shes and hers and mams and mums. She agendas,
her orders, mam's wants, mum's needs.

I think I'm going to cough out a swear word.........

She, she, she, she.



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