--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "hugheshugo"

> It's still better to have half a loaf if you're starving.

I agree, of course, MMY has changed my life, you kiddin' :-)

> But, for the benefit of a determinedly secular chap who doesn't want 
> to miss any limbs, what are Yama and Niyama?

Yama and Niyama are the prescriptions and proscriptions of Yoga as
taught by Maharishi Patanjali.

Yama: Truthfulness, non-violence (ahimsa), Non-covetousness, Celibacy
(brahmacharya), Non-acceptance of others' possessions.

NiYama: Purification, Contentment, Austerity, Study, and Devotion.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi chose only to teach the last 6 limbs of Yoga (in
order to teach it as a science, IMO) which are: Asana (good posture
for meditating), Pranayama (breath *control*), Pratyahara, Dharana
(translated as concentration, MMY calls it making an *effortless
effort*), Dhyana (actual meditation or transcendental awareness), and
Samadhi (the means AND the end). 

"Each limb is designed to create the state of Yoga in the sphere of
life to which it relates." MMY

"With the continuous practice of ALL of these limbs, or *means*,
simultaneously, the state of Yoga grows simultaneously in ALL the
eight spheres of life..." MMY

MMY Gita under Yoga/appendix.

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