--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "hugheshugo"
> <richardhughes103@> wrote:
> > It's still better to have half a loaf if you're starving.
> I agree, of course, MMY has changed my life, you kiddin' :-)
> > But, for the benefit of a determinedly secular chap who doesn't 
> > to miss any limbs, what are Yama and Niyama?
> Yama and Niyama are the prescriptions and proscriptions of Yoga as
> taught by Maharishi Patanjali.
> Yama: Truthfulness, non-violence (ahimsa), Non-covetousness, 
> (brahmacharya), Non-acceptance of others' possessions.
> NiYama: Purification, Contentment, Austerity, Study, and Devotion.
> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi chose only to teach the last 6 limbs of Yoga 
> order to teach it as a science, IMO) which are: Asana (good posture
> for meditating), Pranayama (breath *control*), Pratyahara, Dharana
> (translated as concentration, MMY calls it making an *effortless
> effort*), Dhyana (actual meditation or transcendental awareness), 
> Samadhi (the means AND the end). 
> "Each limb is designed to create the state of Yoga in the sphere of
> life to which it relates." MMY
> "With the continuous practice of ALL of these limbs, or *means*,
> simultaneously, the state of Yoga grows simultaneously in ALL the
> eight spheres of life..." MMY
> MMY Gita under Yoga/appendix.

Thank you BG, I'm better informed and apparently doing quite a lot of 
those two limbs already, but I guess you have to be doing it all for 
it to count ;-)

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