The thing is, heir hugo, that that is exactly what happened, over
approximately a 2 year period, performed by a company headed by DumbDung's
younger brother.  Whole floors of offices were temporarily relocated to
perform the rework that preceded the demolition of each tower.

Funny [*NOT*] how such is not and continues not to get any news.

Oh, and the DumbDung's lil' brother?  He's in charge of security at the twin
towers at the time of the demolition.

Selective amnesia is a moral disease, not just a medical disease.

*Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most valuable
thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral conscience. Only such
persons deserve to lead others, in any capacity. Anything less is a menace
to society. <>*

> Probably designed to collapse like that rather than fall over and
> possibly killing millions. The reverse implication being that people
> had got inside the building and wired it to collapse as in a "proper"
> demolition job, I think those working inside might have noticed the
> cables pulling the alls together and asked a few questions about the
> explosives needed.

On 10/29/07, hugheshugo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I've read a ton about the 9-11 inside-job concept, and it is very
> hard
> > to keep from getting enraged when the material is gone over.  But
> > that's just me.
> > >
> > To me there are certain big issues that seem to be inadequately
> > explained by the anti-conspiracy explanations.
> >
> > Just off the top of my head, here's the issues that most bother me
> > even after all my "research lite."
> >
> > 1.  The pancaking of the floors happened so well that any demolition
> > company that had had the job would have been given an extra bonus
> for
> > not harming the surrounding buildings by having a whole tower fall
> > like a tree -- sideways.  Both towers fell straight down for the
> most
> > part.
> >
> Probably designed to collapse like that rather than fall over and
> possibly killing millions. The reverse implication being that people
> had got inside the building and wired it to collapse as in a "proper"
> demolition job, I think those working inside might have noticed the
> cables pulling the alls together and asked a few questions about the
> explosives needed.
> > 2.  This pancaking is seen to be perfectly happening in the fall of
> > Building Seven also.  After Building Seven fell, an official being
> > interviewed admits ON CAMERA that "yeah, we pulled it."  But no one
> > can "pull a building" and have it pancake down like Building Seven
> > without MONTHS OF PLANNING.  A few fire officials and firemen/women
> > could NEVER have put anything in place that would have allowed for
> the
> > building to be imploded -- and they're firemen/women NOT explosives
> > experts.
> >
> Again, vibrations in the superstructure damaged the metal frame and
> it collapsed, it looks suspicious but if it was part of an inside jbo
> why bother with that building? why not just be happy that the WTC
> fell down as planned?
> > 3.  The hole in the Pentagon walls all the way to the inner rings
> > can't be explained by ANY large aircraft, but is easily explained
> by a
> > rocket attack.
> A lot of people saw the plane hit, it wasn't a rocket. The wings were
> blown off backwards by the force of the impact, they are there in the
> wreckage of the plane.
> >
> > 4.  The reactions of Bush when the news got to him.
> Shock is my guess, lets be honest, how many here didn't stand slack
> jawed for a minute or two when they heard the news. Imagine being the
> guy who has to sort it out and come up with some sort of response, I
> don't like him but I don't envy him either.
> >
> > 5.  The non-reactions of "shoot 'em down" warcraft that didn't
> > "scramble" in any fashion I would call "what the Air Force is
> supposed
> > to do."
> That's an easy one, they didn't know what was going on til it was all
> over. If you missed the movie "United 93" watch it as it stars,
> playing themselves, all the people from airtraffic control in new
> york, you really get an idea of the confusion and shock, it's all
> taken from recordings of what happened. It's a superb film anyway,
> both depressing yet uplifting in it's depiction of true bravery.
> >
> > 6.  The Saudi family being allowed to fly a plane when all the other
> > planes were grounded.
> >
> Money talks. Too much is made of the fact it was relatives of Bin
> Laden being flown out, he had been exiled from Saudi for a while by
> this time.
> > The thing stinks with muddy issues.
> >
> > But 9-11 was merely a blip on Evil's radar screen.
> >
> > The one thing that Bill Maher and Bill Clinton have not addressed in
> > their debunking efforts is the fact that the USA is a country that
> > tortures whole nations with carnage upon the innocents.  The idea
> that
> > Americans in high places "could never do such a thing as an inside
> > job," is so unbelievably untrue given even the history "allowed to
> be
> > reported" in the USA.
> >
> > We kill anything in our way and never take names. Everyday
> headlines,
> > right?  So Clinton's "shame on you, how dare you" anger at "a back
> of
> > the crowd, conspiracy-nut," is a very strong tell that if he were in
> > office again, he'd do the same ice-cold-heart stuff, and his wife,
> by
> > all accounts, would be even worse.  To me, Clinton is clearly
> > protecting whomever is holding his leash.  We're Americans -- we
> kill
> > for sport, kill for money, and even genocide cannot make us squirm
> > with shame.  Ask any Native American.  Ask any African-American.
> Ask
> > any illegal immigrant. Ask the Japanese-Americans in 1944.  Ask the
> > slaves that Columbus brought back to Europe.  Genocide R Us.
> >
> > No, Bills, shame on you guys for not recognizing evil's history.
> >
> > The face of evil stares at us all, unblinking and forthright.  Yes,
> > you have no power, no access, no social structures, nothing that can
> > touch BigMoney that soulessly sucks profits from every sort of
> misery.
> >
> > Kennedy after Chappaquiddick, Clinton during The Rwandan genocide,
> > Bush reading children a story while towers fell, Cheney after
> shooting
> > a guy in the face, that bulldozer guy who SLOWLY RAN OVER A WHITE
> > OF A CROWD, all these things are shouting at us about the minds of
> our
> > leaders and their minions and how they just crush any opposition,
> > spin-explain any "errors of judgment," and have never had a face
> > flushed with embarrassment.
> >
> > Evil, soulless, power lust is brazenly strutting in the headlines
> and
> > as always -- in the fine print.
> >
> > Conspiracy nuts should pick their battles better.
> >
> > Why try to comb through the debris and photos for absolute proofs of
> > "ordinary evil," when political candidates are openly espousing
> > waterboarding, warrantless phone taps, and suspension of habeas
> corpus
> > for American citizens.  The agents of GlobalBiz are wiping their
> asses
> > with the Magna Carta and blowing their noses in the Declaration of
> > Independence.
> >
> > How fucking obvious does it have to get?  Who needs to prove 9-11
> was
> > an inside job when outside there's these psychotic personalities
> > actually saying the words, actually worshiping a death-industry, and
> > pretending they're as empowered by exigencies as Jack Baur?
> >
> > Hell with 9-11, read this morning's headlines.
> >
> > Here's just a mild sample:  "Director of fake FEMA press conference
> > promoted."
> >
> > Edg
> >
> >
> I think you're right about 'conspiracy nuts' picking better battles,
> all that energy wasted on shape-shifting reptiles when they could be
> writing real wrongs, Hmmm maybe Judy is right about disinformation..
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