I'm a scuba diver in south florida and the first time
you're down in the water and you see dolphins approach
you...WOW! Sea turtles are the same thing. Some are
really curious about you and circle around and around
you. Dolphins usually ignore you and streak by
clicking and popping or they stop and look at you.
That eye contact with an intelligent wild animal is

--- Angela Mailander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have heard that pets are not supposed to be in the
> same room while you meditate because they are "prana
> thieves."  I think this got extended by diligent Rus
> to include not having any pets anywhere.  
> I never believed this.  It's not part of my
> experience.  On the contrary, pets are an asset in
> many situations.  They save lives---literally. They
> are excellent and wise companions.  I swam with wild
> dolphins in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico once
> long ago, and they gave the best dharshan I've ever
> experienced.  a
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:                           
>       Does anybody know of M's views on keeping
> pets? I've heard him say that  they are a drain. I
> always thought he meant of some kind of spiritual
> energy,  but I'm beginning to believe he actually
> meant a drain of resources and time,  being a
> distraction from program.< I heard a story about a
> yogi that lived in  a hut in the forest doing his
> program and he only had two possessions, a couple 
> of loin cloths. One to wear , one to wash and dry
> for the next day. A rat used  to disturb him in
> meditation by scratching the cloth hanging to dry so
> he got a  cat to chase away the rat, then he needed
> a cow to have milk to feed the cat.  Then he had to
> raise grain to feed the cow. Before long the yogi
> was tending a  farm in order to not be distracted in
> meditation from the rat but there was no  time for
> meditation because of all the duties of the farm. In
> short , the busy  businessman story. The reason I'm
> asking this is, this
>  story is being manifested  on TMO property as we
> speak. A care taker has been ordered to build a
> fence to  keep some calves who are supposed to be
> lawn mowers, so to speak. The care taker  is going
> to end up rising at 4 or 5 in the morning to bottle
> feed the calves and  tend to their needs during the
> day so he won't have to mow the grass (this was  not
> his idea). I've tried to lobby against this venture
> without success as being  *off the program* and also
> a liability to the TMO. Poor fencing means cattle 
> escaping and wondering off, perhaps on to roads,
> causing accidents. The  calves will be steers and
> serve no other purpose than to eat grass and be
> pets.  Any comments are welcome.
> ---------------------------------
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