Some schools see a terd floating in a pristine white bowl of fresh
water and shriek, "oh my energy, oh my dear prana". And then they
faint and need ayur-vedic smelling salts, made in vastu proper
factory, chanted over by vedic pudits, or something, to revive them.

Other schools, like the Aghori ascetics, are the John Waynes of
Spiritualism. "Because of this monistic doctrine, the Aghoris maintain
that all opposites are identical and that the conventional Hindu
distinctions between purity and impurity are ultimately illusory. The
purpose of embracing pollution through various practices is the
realization of non-duality through transcending social taboos, and
seeing the illusory nature of all conventional categories.
Aghoris are known to prove their faith by challenging pre-conceived
notions of the grotesque, and find the beauty or perfection in such
conventionally taboo notions as, for example, cannibalism." 

"Aghoris " go naked or wear the shroud of a corpse, he covers himself
in the ashes of the cremation ground--which would be polluting for an
orthodox Brahmin--and his ritual practices are symbols of his
non-dualistic beliefs. The corpse upon which he meditates is a symbol
of his own body and the corpse devouring ritual is a symbol of the
transcendence of his lower self and a realisation of the greater, all
pervading self."

(And the notion of some that MMY is an aghori is, well, quite laughable.)

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