--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <feste37@> wrote:
> >
> > Fascinating about your early childhood. And after your 
> > dress-up as a child, you've remained a Brunnhilde ever 
> > since, a true warrior, FFL's own Valkyrie! 
> I can't resist this one, because it ties into
> something I've been thinking about lately.

(I.e., "How can I use this as another putdown of
Judy and my other enemies?")

> There *are* those, on this forum and in larger
> life, who consider themselves Valkyries of a
> sort. They rail against the things they think
> are wrong with the world, and the people they
> see as the perpetrators of these evils.
> Whether it's being a "liar" or a "predator" or
> a "Republican" or a "Nazi" or a "rakshasa" or
> the "Axis of Evil" or the "American Satan,"

Or Valkyries.

Barry, do you *genuinely* not realize that
you're "one of us"?? You're *constantly*
railing against this, that, or the other
purported evil and its purported perpetrators.

Dig yourself. You're doing it *right now*.

> "Ho to," sings the Valkyrie, horned hat firmly 
> in place and spear aloft,

It's "Ho-jo-to-ho" ("jo" is pronounced "yo"),
and it's a winged helmet, not a horned hat:


(In any case, the Valkyries' role isn't to run
around denouncing evil but rather to ride into
battle and scoop up dead warriors to take to

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