--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Nov 18, 2007, at 3:13 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > I can't resist this one, because it ties into
> > something I've been thinking about lately.
> >
> > There *are* those, on this forum and in larger
> > life, who consider themselves Valkyries of a
> > sort. They rail against the things they think
> > are wrong with the world, and the people they
> > see as the perpetrators of these evils.
> I knew it was too good to be true...:)  Now we can look 
> forward to about 20 more posts between Barry and Judy, 
> duking it out.

Not from my side. Unlike some, I just say what
I have to say and let others respond as they
see fit. I see no need to "defend" anything
I say. If others do, well, it kinda eats up
their posting allotment, doesn't it?  :-)

Besides, if it wasn't obvious, I was talking
about more than one person. I can think of 
several people on this forum who fit the 
description in my post, and in the TM 
movement at large, thousands.

Not to mention the larger world outside of
cultdom. This idea of the "righteously angry
crusader" is becoming more and more prevalent,
and sadly, more and more *lauded* in society.
I don't think it's a good trend.

Someone should notice that most of these
"crusaders" never say anything positive or
make any suggestions for how things could be
done better. (Other than getting rid of the 
people they blame for everything, that is.)
They get praised for bitching, as if bitch-
ing took a lot of intelligence or effort.

Bottom line, from a Buddhist perspective, is 
that some are actually praising people for 
indulging in the toxic emotions and holding
them up as role models. That's how weird 
things have gotten out there.

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