Yes, just the historians.  I started to research the history of the 20th 
century in 1995.  I'd ignored history and politics till then, having had enough 
of it up to my eyeballs by the time I was 18. It was in the back of my mind, 
though, because of my friendship with the physics teacher who was an ex SS man, 
because of my mom's activities as a secret agent for the American occupation 
army, because of my conversations with my brother-in-law, and because I'd heard 
European, particularly German, historians and political observers predict the 
current U.S. scene in the late fifties--which I did not believe at the time.  
But then in 95 when I heard about American concentration camps for the first 
time, I had time on my hands and thought it would be cool to get an education 
in a field in which I knew next to nothing.  But, like I said, I do not 
consider myself an expert in history.  

"Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               
Angela Mailander wrote:
 > My bibliography is about twenty-five pages.  
 > How much of it do you want? 
 Just the historians?
 > > A third war was planned all along, according to 
 > > European historians.
 > >
 Judy wrote:
 > > > Which historians were these, Angela?
 > > >

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