--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This just shows that behind the madness there are a few good 
> americans. In my travels in that country I met all sorts of 
> weirdos and I realized what a great lie Hollywood is in 
> portraying the USA a populated with socalled "good people" 
> where the good always win and where "dad is the best dad in 
> the world", the main theme in the majority of films from 
> Hollywood.

While I agree with you about the false portrayal
of America and Americans, Nabby, I feel compelled
to point out that "Dad is the best Dad" is YOUR
act as well. It's just that in your case, Dad is
Maharishi or Benjamin Creme. You consistently go
for the PR about them, while denying that the 
other sides of them even exist and portraying
those who mention those sides as liars.

> Then all of a sudden, you find yourself in an enviornment with 
> bright, normal people, you wonder where they all came from, and 
> you realize what a diversified and fragmented society it really 
> is. There is a swing away from the madness in that country, 
> which the above articles clearly shows. The power must be 
> retaken by the people which will not happen automatically and 
> without great effort. 

Personally, I have serious doubts about Americans'
ability TO "retake" their country. I know that the
French could, if they ever found themselves having
to deal with something like the Cheney Cabal; they
would just stage a general strike and bring the
country to its knees, and keep it going until the
government caved in. They've done it before, in
recent times, and they'll do it again if it becomes

But that requires a lot of things. First, it requires
a belief that they still CAN make the government cave.
I honestly don't think that most Americans have that 
belief any more; they feel an overwhelming sense of
powerlessness. All you have to do to see this is the
look at the voter turnout during important elections.

Second, such actions take a certain amount of self-
sacrifice, and that is the quality I find most lacking
in mainstream Americans. The French aren't getting PAID
during these general strikes; neither would the Amer-
icans be if they staged one. But the French would find
a way to keep the strike going as long as it took,
making sacrifices in their lifestyles to do so. I don't
see the majority of Americans even considering doing 
something like this anymore. They'll bitch and moan,
and make awesome noises about the things they're going
to do, but noise is all it is. In the end, given a
takeover of the United States by a clearly authori-
tarian govenment and all that entails, I see them just
submitting and pretending to not notice and trying to
"wait it out," exactly as they have been doing for
the last seven years. 

I'm sorry if that pisses off some Americans on this
forum or if they don't agree, but that is really my
honest assessment of the situation. During the last
seven years Americans have sat by passively and watched
as a great number of their civil liberties and the
reputation of their country has been pissed away, and
all they've done is bitch and moan. I think all that
they would EVER do is bitch and moan.

It warms my heart when a few courageous individuals
like these folks in the intelligence community stand
up to the Neobrownshirts and Just Say No. But I really
don't see the mainstream population of America doing
so. If they started rounding up people and sending
them off to concentration camps, what most people would
do is change the channel and watch American Idol.

Now that you've got me ranting :-), I honestly think
that the best thing that could happen to America is
to have OPEC switch to the Euro as the currency of oil.
Without that falsity propping up the economy, its real
status would be revealed and there would be a huge
depression. And during a real depression, the country
wouldn't have the MONEY to continue doing the things
it's been doing to the world. After a few months or
years of having no jobs and watching their kids go
hungry, THEN Americans might do something about get-
ting rid of the people who'd done this to them.

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