
Hey, here's your chance.

Tell us, in the most loving fashion you can muster, all about Bevan,
his great-heartedness, his sacrifices for TM and Maharishi.

Lay it on with a trowl.

I'll read every word.

I fucking dare you to defend that adulterous, money-grubbing monster.

I mean, if anything, you'll be balancing my vitriol, right?

It's sorta your God-given duty to defend your priest, right?

This would be fine entertainment.


--- In, "Larry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is stunning to see how much folks project on Jerry Jarvis, Dick
> Mays, Bevan, etc . . . 
> all the defects, short comings and neurosis heaped on . . . 
> and we don't even consider the possibility that these perceived
> defects are the result of our own conditioning or faulty reasoning.
> Transform others by not judging them, and then having mastered 'not
> judging others' - stop judging yourself and see yourself as you really
> are.  What you think can take lifetimes, can be done today.
> --- In, "boo_lives" <boo_lives@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "matrixmonitor"
> > <matrixmonitor@> wrote:
> > >
> > > ---Dialog: yes, in a manner of speaking....I talked to him for
1/2 hr 
> > > a while ago and regularly send him items of interest (such as 
> > > forwarding info from this forum - which he declines to subscribe
> > > He sent me an information packet on the prison program (as reported 
> > > in a previous post).  My objective is to eventually wean him away 
> > > from all TMO-based negative influences, of which there are many
> > > most are pie in the sky pipe dreams.
> > snip
> > 
> > What's Jerry's view of the prison project now that that fellow has
> > disassociated himself from the TMO?  Does he understand the reasons
> > why that was necessary?  
> > 
> > When I first heard a few yrs ago that Jerry was associated with it, I
> > knew it was doomed - there's no way Bevan and his troupe would allow a
> > project that had Jerry connected to it to succeed without their
> > interference.
> > 
> > I'm not surprised Jerry's interested in the prison project as that's
> > the exactly the kind of thing the TMO should be doing but it's a
> > little disappointing to hear that Jerry takes the Kansas project and
> > people like Bevan seriously - I always thought he was more grounded
> > and realistic than that.
> >

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