--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > The trick is not to think of it as an undertaking
> > that should proceed only if it has a good chance
> > of succeeding. As you say, it's very unlikely to
> > succeed (although who knows what might happen once
> > the process gets underway?).
> > 
> > The idea is to get it started. Kucinich took the
> > first step with his resolution; Congress took
> > another step by sending it to the Judiciary Committee
> > instead of tabling it.
> > 
> > As more and more bad stuff comes out about the
> > administration, giving it a big push with a monster
> > petition might put enough pressure on Conyers to
> > take the next step and begin hearings. Even if it
> > never gets out of committee, the fact that hearings
> > are being held will be noted, and it will be on the
> > record that there was enough disapproval of the
> > administration's actions to take it that far.
> > 
> > For Congress to sit back and do *nothing* is to
> > give its tacit stamp of approval to what the
> > administration is doing, and that simply can't
> > be allowed to happen.
> This is very good news. Congratulations to Dennis Kucinich !

Yes, it's good news, but his resolution was sent
to the Judiciary Committee *six months ago*, and
you're just hearing about it now, from my post.

A lot of the lefty blogs mentioned it at the time,
but I don't recall seeing anything about it in the
mainstream media. And Wexler's op-ed written with
Reps. Tammy Baldwin and Luis Gutierrez hasn't been
accepted for publication by any of the big
newspapers they sent it to.

The mainstream media, in other words, doesn't want
to cover anything about impeaching this
administration. Somehow we have to make them start
paying attention to the fact that there's an
increasingly large movement in that direction.

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