Religion is just a ' World View' of a particular era.
      It does not say anything about things beyond it's own narrow region where 
all it's so called historical incidents have taken place.

"new.morning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 20:31:01 -0000
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: What happens when you don't practice the yamas/ 

  You would make a good hell-fire and brimestone preacher. The sentiment
appears the same -- you just need to amp up the imagery and vocabulary
a bit. 

Can I use islamic scripture? or hebrew scripture? Or do I have to use
hindu scripture? If not all scriptures, then why the chosen ones? If
all scriptures, what does one do when they disagree? 

Is there any such thing as a "universal scripture" true for all
humankind, all societies, in all eras, in all socio-economic- political
structures, at all levels of technology? I have not seen any. If you
know of any, please show me the light.

You appear to often focus on the suffering side of the equation. But
even going beyond that, a suffering / enjoyment scale of karma is
limited an cloudy IMO. 

Reaction of ones actions and POVs is the great teacher of the
universe. Its all good. One faces various situations in life. One
inevitably learns (something). Lessons learned. Thats how life
unfolds, IMPOV. 

Sitting fearful in a corner -- afraid of violating some mistranslated
transcript of some dubious personalities, that some socio-political
forces in some past time have labeled as scripture, all meant for a
certain (other) time, place, climate, region, and society -- seems a
sad way to spend the gift of life. 

Try to do your best, and learn from the result. Life is learning. Life
is scripture.

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