--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" 

I will respond briefly to you Dough, since you ask. The answers are 
very simple.

> Nabby, whoever you are, that is possible as an outcome and possibly 
> likely as you say it in a way. Though history shows that people do 
> stick around and continue in a way after things fall apart. 

a) Nothing will fall apart, only possibly moved. Everything moves 
nicely forward. 
There are no indications of a move from/to anywhere or anyone - it's 
just a "hunch", though RA would love to call it a rumour. :-)
b) some will stay out of lack of flexibility. 
> So, what would you advocate to save or improve the situation for 
> campus community and the domes now?  The meditating "Maharishi 
> Effect" dome numbers? 

Do the programme in the Domes. If you are for some reason not allowed 
to do so don't worry about it. Do your programme at home at the same 
times as they do in the Domes. Look upon the situation as a test.
> That the old-TM meditators and sidhas again just come together with 
> their `faith and belief' in Maharishi? 

The programme is for our own benefit. Maharishi does not need our 
coherence, we do. We do it for what it gives us, or if you are 
inclined in that direction; for the benefit of world. "Faith and 
belief" is not relevant, your relationship with Maharishi, or lack 
thereof, is not relevant. 

> That the meditating community should forgive the differences and 
> forgive the past as things that keep people from the domes.

Thats a very good idea. 

  Do you 
> think that the administrative asking or just hoping for a 
> within the old-meditating Fairfield community would be enough to 
> things together for the domes? 

I'm not sure what you mean. 

> I do not hear much language of reconciliation coming out of the 
> administration up there.

That is not their purpose. They are in those positions for entirely 
different reasons.

  Is much more the language of hubris, 
> exclusion, abuse of power and extreme spiritual arrogance;

I do not agree. They have taken a stand and stick to it. Laudable in 
many ways. That said I must admit that I find the movement people in 
the USA, particularily at MUM, more rigid than in other countries. I 
found them irritating too. But I could leave, you have to put up with 
that all the time and I have no problem seeing that it must be rather 

 that they 
> live in a Maharishi bubble.

Thar "bubble" is a very nice place to be.

  Your being one of the few tru-believers 
> willing to snipe and write publicly, even anonymously, about these 
> things how would you advocate the situation to help?

"See the job, do the job, stay out of misery." - Maharishi
The job ofcourse being to take full control of your own evolution and 
thereby your destiny.

  Even if you 
> can't have the courage to sign your own posts, I am glad that 
> is representing the TMmovement here. I do like seeing the TM-tru-
> believer view advocated here if only by you and Feste37 in snipe. 
> Now, to save your TMmovement, could it be near time to bring in a 
> reputable outside mediator, As in `mediator' that is different 
> from `meditator'.   T'ould first probably take even just a 
> willingness on the part of the campus to even consider a process, 
> of `peace and reconciliation' with its meditators as a possibility. 
> Would that Maharishi even allow it now.

Personally I do not think Maharishi would interfere with a drama 
created by others. That is if your story is correct and this drama 
has any real proportions. I doubt it, but ofcourse you could be 
Everyone must take responsebility for their own siruation, grow up so 
to speak.`And worry less about what others think or say. What matters 
at the end of the day is how much tapas we did and the effect of that 
process. Time is too precious to allow the policies of others to 
interfere with that.   
> Could you advocate or even broach this to your people on campus. 

No. This your drama.

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