>... Even if you
> can't have the courage to sign your own posts, I am glad that 
> is representing the TMmovement here. I do like seeing the TM-tru-
> believer view advocated here if only by you and Feste37 in snipe.

Dear Feste and Nabby, whoever you are;
Thank you for the replies to this line of thot, they are beautiful.  
I appreciate what you are saying and that you are satisfied with the 
direction of the statua quo TMmovement.

With Best Regards, 

-Doug in FF  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I find it amusing that you refer to me as a "TM true believer," 
> is not my position at all, but I do agree with Nabuloss that this 
is a
> drama of your own making. I don't see large numbers of meditators
> desperate for a reconciliation with the movement, and I doubt 
> there are many people who really want to go to the domes and are
> excluded from them. Those who like the movement are still in it; 
> who don't have left and found something else. The TM movement is not
> doing anything different today from what it has always done, and 
> likely to go on doing it. People have a choice to be part of it or
> not. There is no need for a "mediator," and there is no need 
to "save"
> anything. I would say that the TM movement is doing rather well at 
> moment; enrollment on campus is up, the new Student Union building
> will be opening soon, and lots of people go to the domes each and
> every day. I have no idea what the numbers currently are, but even 
> they are lower than a thousand, that's still a very large number 
for a
> small town of 10,000 people to achieve every day. The domes have 
> in continual  operation for about 28 years now (26 years, I think, 
> the women's dome), which is an amazing success story. My advice to 
> is to let the people who enjoy the TM movement continue to enjoy it,
> rather than continually denigrating them on this board. They are 
> people and they deserve better. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"
> <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >
> > Nabby, whoever you are, that is possible as an outcome and 
> > likely as you say it in a way. Though history shows that people 
> > stick around and continue in a way after things fall apart.  
> > 
> > So, what would you advocate to save or improve the situation for 
> > campus community and the domes now?  The meditating "Maharishi 
> > Effect" dome numbers?  
> > 
> > That the old-TM meditators and sidhas again just come together 
> > their `faith and belief' in Maharishi?  
> > 
> > That the meditating community should forgive the differences and 
> > forgive the past as things that keep people from the domes.  Do 
> > think that the administrative asking or just hoping for a 
> > within the old-meditating Fairfield community would be enough to 
> > things together for the domes? 
> > 
> > I do not hear much language of reconciliation coming out of the 
> > administration up there.  Is much more the language of hubris, 
> > exclusion, abuse of power and extreme spiritual arrogance; that 
> > live in a Maharishi bubble.  Your being one of the few tru-
> > willing to snipe and write publicly, even anonymously, about 
> > things how would you advocate the situation to help?  Even if you 
> > can't have the courage to sign your own posts, I am glad that 
> > is representing the TMmovement here. I do like seeing the TM-tru-
> > believer view advocated here if only by you and Feste37 in snipe. 
> > 
> > Now, to save your TMmovement, could it be near time to bring in a 
> > reputable outside mediator, As in `mediator' that is different 
> > from `meditator'.   T'ould first probably take even just a 
> > willingness on the part of the campus to even consider a process, 
> > of `peace and reconciliation' with its meditators as a 
> > Would that Maharishi even allow it now.   
> > 
> > Could you advocate or even broach this to your people on campus.  
> > be old themes of petition, like in post 3811 (from six years ago)?
> > 
> > Déjà vu, the petition:  
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/3811
> > 
> > That Gordian knot of the life of the TMmovement?  Serious are 
> > young Jedi, in preserving the Maharishi Effect of the domes in 
> > Could you advocate reconciliation that could accommodate the 
> > meditating community as it is in Fairfield to bolster the power 
> > that effect?  
> > 
> > The spiritual high ground right now seems to be a `peace with 
> > of the status quo of the meditating community otherwise.  The 
> > meditating community seems quite active and healthy atop the 
> > high ground while the TMmovement by contrast has entrenched 
> > into the amoral low ground of excessive arrogance.  How do you 
> > reconcile the two positions?  
> > 
> > -Doug in FF
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > > 
> > > > Doug writing:
> > > > Watching people here with the different spiritual groups, 
> > >is a
> > > > shakti or a spiritual energy meter that people do run for
> > > > themselves. Is the experience in FF that people have of their 
> > > > experience with it. They are practiced at metering shakti. 
> > > > meter it & rate it. The Shakti meter, a different meter from 
> > >BS
> > > > meter.
> > > > 
> > > > FF folks after 20, 30 and 40 years of spiritual practice(s) 
> > > > their own experience with it and they certainly do meter 
> > > > accordingly. Between the different venues available they 
> > >definitely
> > > > flow back and forth depending on the spiritual experience. It 
> > >the
> > > > collective FF experience & there is a lot of cultivated 
shakti in
> > > > Fairfield. If there is not shakti in a venue then folks go on 
> > >the
> > > > next one here where the spiritual energy is better. 
> > >
> > 
> >  nablusoss1008 wrote:
> > > Exactly. This is what spiritual vampires do; they move about 
> > >wherever 
> > > they can get energy. 
> > IF/when the Domes are shut down these people >will 
> > > be gonners too, very quickly.
> > >
> >

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