Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>> All the Saraswati Swamis are tantrics who 
>>> worship the Tripuransundari and belong to 
>>> the Sri Vidya sect.
> Bhairitu wrote:
>> Fortunately most people here including Billy 
>> don't take you as a reliable source.
> Unfortunately, you didn't post any evidence to
> counter my comments. In fact, all the Sarasawati
> Swamis worship Tripuransundari and belong to the 
> Sri Vidya sect. There's only one Sri Yantra, 
> Bharat2, associated with the Sri Vidya sect, and 
> that is the Sri Chakra. Do you know what Sri means 
> in Sanskrit? And did you know that Tripuransundari
> is the object of their devotions? There is no
> difference between Sri Herself and Saraswati.
> And like I said, the TM mantra is used in meditation
> on Sri Vidya - Saraswati. Some tantric you turned 
> out to be!
Of course I can read Devanagri.  Can you?  My point was that many 
yantras have bij mantras on them so you can't claim that Sri Yantra is 
the source.  Sri has a number of meanings.  It is like a salutation i.e. 
"mister" it can also be a name or Lakshmi and Saraswati. One wonders if 
the salutation "sir' has its root with the word?

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