On Jan 20, 2008, at 4:22 PM, tertonzeno wrote:

---This historical background is quite fascinating, but limited in
relavance as I see the situation. For example, I haven't found any
good techniques associated with the Sri Yantra. There's the Sri
Vidya mantra which I have chanted (and discarded in favor of others),
and the Lalita Sahasranama chant (available from Ammachi), which is
powerful but I listen to other chants.
What's the message and conclusion associated with the fact that SBS
used the Sri Yantra as a devotional icon? That because he did this
I'm supposed to go out and buy a Sri Yantra?

His Sri Yantra was merely an external form. His inner practice was Sri Vidya. So if you were interested in that, you'd be initiated into Sri Vidya in either it's samaya, mishra or kaula versions.

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