nab wrote:
> Getting rid of freaking violent types like 
> you feels good too. :-)
TurquoiseB wrote:
> If you EVER speak to me again on this course, 
> that is where I will throw you.
Isn't this just like a TBer? Goes bananas and 
threatens to kill the meditation camp manager. 
Can't even keep his dirty mouth shut for a walk 
in nature without spouting some obscene reference 
to his backside. Then, when told to shut the phuck 
up, he retaliates by causing a scene. Can't even 
take a walk and enjoy the silence of nature without 
the hearing some over-the-top TMer blabbing and 
making wise-acre jokes. I'm surprised the other
TBers didn't gang up on the blabber and kick him 
out on the spot.

> I still remember the one that pushed me -- and, as
> it turns out, almost him -- over the edge. I was
> having some fun talking with my "buddy" about some-
> thing more interesting than cows and green-flowing-
> fucking-soma and we laughed out loud and he came 
> running over and actually *yelled* at us and screamed, 
> "YOU! YOU are the reason Maharishi hasn't visited our 
> course! You shame his teachings by laughing like this 
> when you should be in silence!"
> Something in me just snapped, but very quietly. I
> walked over to the red-faced, near-apoplectic ass-
> hole and took him by the perfectly-pressed collar
> of his perfectly-pressed shirt (mussing his perfect
> tie), and dragged him over to the edge of the trail
> that we were walking along and leaned him out over
> the edge. He looked down...WAY down, several hundred
> meters, to where he might easily wind up if he didn't
> pay attention. He paid attention.
> I said, quietly, "I have taken just about all of your
> bullshit I can. Go away and bother me no more. Look 
> down. If you EVER speak to me again on this course, 
> that is where I will throw you. Do you understand?"

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