--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I was on TTC and the Sidhis program we had walks every 
> day either after or before lunch and it was recommended.  

On my last TM course, our "walk and talks" were 
mandated. We had to leave the hotel and walk in
total silence along the lovely mountainside trails 
of St. Moritz. It was the only time on my six-month
TM Siddhi course that I enjoyed. We got to get the
fuck OUT of the hotel, and see nature, and breathe
real air, and just RELAX for an hour, free of the
TM automatons trying to run every second of our 

But there was one asshole on that course -- Shemp
can verify this -- who did his best to fuck even
*that* hour up, too. He was one of those classic "I 
know the way to do everything spiritual perfectly 
and you don't" type, and if he caught a few of us 
on our 'walk and talks' actually talking, he'd come 
running over and try to lay some guilt trip on us. 

I still remember the one that pushed me -- and, as
it turns out, almost him -- over the edge. I was
having some fun talking with my "buddy" about some-
thing more interesting than cows and green-flowing-
fucking-soma and we laughed out loud and he came 
running over and actually *yelled* at us and screamed, 
"YOU! YOU are the reason Maharishi hasn't visited our 
course! You shame his teachings by laughing like this 
when you should be in silence!"

Something in me just snapped, but very quietly. I
walked over to the red-faced, near-apoplectic ass-
hole and took him by the perfectly-pressed collar
of his perfectly-pressed shirt (mussing his perfect
tie), and dragged him over to the edge of the trail
that we were walking along and leaned him out over
the edge. He looked down...WAY down, several hundred
meters, to where he might easily wind up if he didn't
pay attention. He paid attention.

I said, quietly, "I have taken just about all of your
bullshit I can. Go away and bother me no more. Look 
down. If you EVER speak to me again on this course, 
that is where I will throw you. Do you understand?"

He understood. He never spoke to me again, on that 
course or any other. My "exercise program" remained 
undisturbed for the rest of the course, and both my 
buddy and I continued to laugh our ways through each 
one of them. Occasionally we'd see the asshole glaring 
at us, angry that our laughter was keeping him from his 
teacher and his enlightenment and whatever *else* he 
thought our enjoyment of life was keeping him from, 
but he never dared to say anything to either of us 

And that's what "exercise time" was like on my last
course. Boy, I don't miss the TM movement...

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