On Jan 29, 2008, at 9:38 PM, Vaj wrote:

Author Ken Wilber claims to have been in continuous witnessing for years, but in one of his books (a spiritual diary of a years time) he claimed the witness was not experienced after drinking fair amounts of wine with his new girlfriend. On vacation--South Beach.


Actually he's able to even dissolve Witness after "vino" sessions:

"Each day we hit the beach around eleven A.M. and stay until around four P.M. This is truly one of the nicest beaches I've ever seen. Besides being pure sand--you can wade out forever and never hit a rock or shell--the water temperature is perfect, somewhere around eighty degrees so you never get chilled, no matter how long you stay in. And, as a matter of fact, I spend about three hours in the water each day, exactly up to my neck, gently bobbing up and down, tiptoes barely touching the bottom to hold me up. Marci, a champion swimmer, swims circles around me, literally. Where does that woman hide all her muscles? She's too curvaceous to be this athletic. Don't triathlon women have, like, 0% body fat? Actually, aren't they in negative fat space? Don't they like owe the world some fat?

I had fully expected to lose all access to the Witness, given our vino schcdule. And for the first night and day this happened. But floating in the water has not only brought back the Witness, it seems to have facilitated the disappearance of the Witness into nondual One Taste, at least on occasion. (The Witness, or pure witnessing awareness, tends to be of the causal, since there is usually a primitive trace of subject/object duality you equanimously Witness the world as transparent and shimmering object But with further development, the Witness itself disappears into everything that is witnessed, subject and object become One Taste, or simple Suchness, and this is the nondual estate. In short: ego to soul to pure Witness to One Taste.) So I am utterly, pleasantly surprised, floating here in nature's blood, to be dipped Into One Taste which in Case, is nicely salty.

There is no time in this estate, though time passes through it. thoughts float by in the sky, thoughts float by in the mind, waves float by in the ocean, and I am all of that. I am looking at none of it, for there is no center around which perception is organized. It is simply that everything is arising, moment to moment, and I am all of that. I do not see the sky, I am the sky, which sees itself. I do not feel the ocean, I am the ocean, which feels itself. I do not hear the birds, I am the birds, which hear themselves. There is nothing outside of me, there is nothing inside of me, because there is no me--there is simply all of this, and it has always been so. Nothing pushes me, nothing pulls me, because there is no me there is simply all of this, and it has always been so."

Ken Wilber, One Taste: Daily Reflections on Integral Spirituality; Shambhala [Sunday, May 18th, South Beach]

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