
Hmmm, L.B.Shriver had the same step-style formatting posting problem
-- are you using a Mac like L.B.?

If you can fix that, it would be good.

On the other hand, you "sound" like L.B., and that's good, or, hey,
new theory, maybe L.B.'s a jerk but stair stepping one's sentences
makes one sound wise.


--- In, srijim1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Gal, actually.
> > 
> > If you're still confused, here's a hint:
> > Have a look at the posts from last week,
> > before MMY died. Or just about any week
> > before that.
> > 
> > You should be able to figure it out from
> > there.
> >
> Judy, Judy, Judy,
> Thanks for referring me to some other people's thoughts on the
matter. Forgive my 
> impertinence, but do you happen to have any original thoughts of
your own?.... or is that 
> asking too much. Why so shy in expressing your own opinion? Perhaps
that is frowned on 
> by his Majesty, but believe it or not it's a right guaranteed by the
Constitution of the 
> United States. And get this.... it is even okay for you to practice
different forms of spiritual 
> practice if you want. Not only that... if an employer tries to
hinder your religious freedom... 
> they can be prosecuted for it. I guess that part of the Constitution
hasn't reached Fairfield 
> yet, huh? Anyway Judy, only children hide behind the opinions of
others. If you have 
> anything to say that expresses your own experiential understanding,
I will be glad to read 
> it. Maybe when you find out what you actually think you will have
something valuable to 
> contribute to the discussion. Until then, you are simply taking up
space. There's an old 
> saying, "When everyone thinks the same.... there is no one thinking
at all." There appears 
> to be far too much of this happening in your neck of the woods...
and you appear to be a 
> prime example of the principle.

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