> I'm trying to save you from yourself, you see.
> Go read the forum traffic for the week before
> MMY died. Unless you're really, REEEEELY STOOPID,
> which I doubt, you'll realize why I told you to
> do that, and you'll be embarrassed.
> But once you get over that, you may actually have
> something to contribute here.


I can't help but be amused by your rhetorical antics. Evidently, your 
acquaintances find you 
amusing as well. A real riot I suppose. Thank you very much for "trying to save 
me from 
myself." I'm sure in some misguided way you are sincere. However, you may want 
to be a 
bit more diligent in getting your own house in order before you presume to have 
the skill 
to fix mine. Of course, self reflection has never been a strong suit with 
religious zealots 
and I suppose you're no different. Okay, it is fairly evident that you don't 
have an original 
thought in your head. I welcomed you to express one and instead you stooped to 
name calling. You have indicated that I would be mortified... petrified... and 
psychedelicized if I read someone else's opinions from a few weeks ago. Rather 
than that, 
why don't you just sum up their thoughts and hit me with your best shot. 
Surely, if the 
opinions are that well stated, it will be easy for you to make spiritual 
mince-meat of me. 
Judging by your "true believer" sense of confidence that shouldn't be to 
difficult. I have 
stated some fairly inflammatory opinions based on my observations of Mr. Varma 
and his 
delusional organization over the past 40 years. I don't expect to change 
anyone's opinion. 
But, perhaps there is someone stuck in the TM Movement's sticky web who will 
that my thoughts are not without merit. Perhaps not. Who knows? Who cares? Call 
me old 
fashioned, but I find all manifestations of tyranny, fascism, and religious 
repugnant no matter what institutionalized form it takes. The cloak of 
spirituality is 
probably the most offensive because it preys on the sincerity of good people 
and betrays 
their trust. If Mr. Varma was not guilty of this... I am all ears. But 
please... spare me the I 
am " REEEEEEELY STOOPID" if I don't go along with you on blind faith speech. It 
embarrasses the forum members who may share your views and it makes you appear 
as a 

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