--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijim1 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > That's the beauty of democracy.... even assholes get to 
> > express their opinions. Since I evidently have a wrong 
> > opinion, in your view, with regard to the Maharishi & 
> > the TM Movement, perhaps you can enlighten me. 
> It has nothing to DO with your opinion of Maharishi
> and the TM movement. That's not what I'm talking
> about. It has to do with your opinion of the people
> you are speaking to on THIS forum.
> You cruised into town with a big fucking elitism chip
> on your shoulder, assuming that everyone here believed
> the same things you think that TM True Believers believe.
> They don't. Most of the folks here walked away from the
> TM movement years or decades ago. They come here to talk
> about it because here you can actually HAVE your own
> opinions on all that stuff. In the TM movement itself,
> you couldn't.
> Bottom line, dude, is that you're being an asshole. You
> refuse to LISTEN. If you just shut the fuck up for a 
> little while and listened to what most of the people here
> are really saying, you'd realize that it has almost 
> nothing to do with your fantasies of what they're saying.

It's actually understandable why he has the
wrong impression, having joined the group at
this point and seen all the various tributes
to MMY. That's why I urged him to have a look
at the traffic here from before MMY died, when
the posts were more typical.

His motive for coming here in the first place
after he heard about MMY's death wasn't exactly
admirable, given his misunderstanding about the
nature of the group. But the posts he saw have
tended to confirm that misunderstanding, so he
plowed right ahead in his mission to upset all
us True Believers by dumping on MMY as we were
mourning MMY's demise.

As you say, he's interpreting the responses to
his posts as objections to his opinions of MMY
rather than as attempts to set him straight about
the nature of this forum.

It's really pretty funny.

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