> It has nothing to DO with your opinion of Maharishi
> and the TM movement. That's not what I'm talking
> about. It has to do with your opinion of the people
> you are speaking to on THIS forum.
> You cruised into town with a big fucking elitism chip
> on your shoulder, assuming that everyone here believed
> the same things you think that TM True Believers believe.
> They don't. Most of the folks here walked away from the
> TM movement years or decades ago. They come here to talk
> about it because here you can actually HAVE your own
> opinions on all that stuff. In the TM movement itself,
> you couldn't.
> Bottom line, dude, is that you're being an asshole. You
> refuse to LISTEN. If you just shut the fuck up for a 
> little while and listened to what most of the people here
> are really saying, you'd realize that it has almost 
> nothing to do with your fantasies of what they're saying.
"What we have here.... is a failure to communicate."

I see your point and you are correct that I was under the impression that I was 
corresponding with forum members currently living in Fairfield and involved in 
activities of the TM Movement. My initial response was to some guy named Rick 
and the subject of the thread was/and is: Special Broadcast on Maharishi 
Channel. If you 
read my initial response, you should see that my response was in no way 
directed towards 
people who had actually left the TM Movement. Quite to the contrary, I applaud 
you for 
having the good sense to do so. When I read your responses, it was my 
assumption that 
they were targeted to the thread subject matter as initiated by Mr. Archer. The 
purpose of 
a subject line in a thread is to keep responses within an overall context in 
order to stay on 
point. You actually sound like a pretty good guy, so I won't take serious 
offense at you 
repeatedly calling me an asshole, but I don't mind pointing out that you are 
actually the 
one responding on the wrong thread with regard to the subject topic and it's 
initiation. It's 
an honest mistake on both of our parts. I was responding to a thread initiated 
by a "true 
believer," Rick Archer, with the hope that I might stir up a dialog with either 
him or people 
who share his convictions. Probably wishful thinking on my part. Instead, I was 
to the choir without being aware of it. It's a shame really because right now 
TM Movement 
members have what appears to be a real opportunity to throw off the chains of 
people like you had the wisdom to recognize years and even decades ago. 

And to any other Ex-TMers out there, please understand that all of my postings 
have been 
directed to what I believed was a TM Movement yahoo group in the context of a 
Movement staff member's press release.

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